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Bowerman and PNW.004 Patch completed, now FSX crashes on startup

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I posted this in the sticky at the top of the forum page, but, I figured just in case that wouldn't get noticed there I'd start a thread.

Desperately need help as I can't even run FSX at the moment due to this crash. I had installed Bowerman (simply gorgeous as always) and had the floating runway. So I saw to install PNW.004. As soon as I did that however, FSX now crashes immediately on startup. Doesn't even go anywhere. I'm now wondering if I need to uninstall the patch, but... have no clue how or if it can even be done. Help!

I have the demo PNW... and I'm wondering if that was the problem. I had been told it would be fine to use Bowerman freeware with the demo, but, maybe not?

Thanks everyone :)

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Hi ,

The patch is not ment for the demo version so hence it will act up, best is to un install / delete the demo version and start a fresh and yes you can use the Bowerman freeware files with the demo, be aware that the demo has only the summer season and is limited so it's only a part of the total PNW.

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Thanks Wolter, how do I uninstall the demo version? I can't seem to find an uninstaller, should I just delete the ORBX folder from my FSX main folder?

Also, I did a system restore to yesterday. Now flight sim gets started and opens, but crashes a moment after it starts.

Nevermind, I'm sorry... found the uninstaller in the pinned thread. :) Working on that now.

So Wolter, does this mean if I have the floating runway I won't be able to apply a fix to it? Just curious. Does CEN4 work with the PNW demo?

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I don't know... I don't have anything installed in the entire Pacific Northwest region other than the PNW demo. :) I have some sceneries in Southern California.

I'm going to reinstall the demo and give it another shot. The version I'm reinstalling was downloaded last year, was there an updated version? Oh well, I'll just see what happens, and hope for no floating runway this time. Either way I thank you, FSX is running again so I'm happy for that!

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Ehh, I still have the floating runway. :( Oh well... One of these days I hope to have the extra money to buy PNW, then I can run the patch.

And one more reply... I should have looked before I wrote it off. There is a v2 of the demo... and that is probably the whole problem, I'm still using v1. Trying that now. Sorry for the fiasco!

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