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FTX AI Traffic - Only get some planes


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It is not only in "DX10 preview mode", that planes come white.

The people who made the AI-Traffic-files took mostly the first texture of the used airplane, and this could be blank (just white - no colors).

I have found it at the default-C172 and the default-Beech Baron 58 and changed it my way with fictional ORBX/FTX-livery as You can see, read and download in the german part of this forum.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi. I guess this problem too when using DX10 Preview. Any idea why? Is there a way to make it work with DX10?

for what it's worth, as it says the DX10 preview mode is a preview, alas it is not fully functional and thus creates a number of issues, white AI planes is one of them, best advice is to forget about the DX10 preview completely as fsX is a DX9 based application.

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