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KHQM ADE or APX files?

Tom C

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I've just been looking through my ORXB PNW scenery installation and found I have 2 ADE/APX and 2 ADE/APX.CVX files installed for Bowerman!

In the main Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_PNW05_SCENERY\scenery the are 2 entries for KHQM;


While in the Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_KHQM\Scenery there are 2 other entries;


Surely this is pointing out I have 2 ADE/AFCAD/APX files installed for KHQM?

Which is then the correct ones to keep, the base PNW ADE files or the installed APZ files in the KHQM folders?

On a side note.

I know the following is not going to get support from the team, and understandably so too, but if I switch ORBX_KHQM_PLC_static_aircraft.bgl to ORBX_KHQM_PLC_static_aircraft.off will that be all I need to do to remove the static's here?

I know from other Scenery developers that is the case, just want to be sure it's the same for ORBX?

Thanks for any help or advice on the above.

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Hi Tom,

Yes that is correct, there is the base APX and its CVX flatten file for the PNW region pack version of Bowerman and the updated APX and CVX flatten designed fit the photoreal Bowerman add-on airport, you should NOT be removing any of those!

To turn off the static aircraft just untick the static aircraft box in the Bowerman control panel (found either on your desktop or from within FTXcentral) ;)



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Backups always made Tim, no support expected on that front.

It's some extra AI I have installed for the region that requires it's own parking codes for full effect. Therefore almost all of the larger fields have been tweaked or will he at some stage.

Thanks for the reply.

Much appreciated especially on something not wholly ORBX scenery related.

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