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home motion simulator


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I would be curious what the price difference between buying that platform from PFC or getting a local LowRider shop in California to build one of those for yea. If I recall you can buy the hydraulics for around $1200 (for 4 hydraulic cylinders and a pump). Then you would need the platform with telescopic rails to mount the chair and FSX Gear on top. The control unit would be the biggest challenge and require some programing skills.

But it would be do-able, and for less then pimping up a car. But it probably wouldn't look as neat as PFC's

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It's not hydraulic. You can buy the base and FSX software from RC Simulations in the UK for £6.5K, then plonk your existing setup on top of it.

Cool....I haven't researched it enough yet. They do make small electrical lifters similar to hydraulic cylinders but they are not as fast....I bet I would get more speed going the hydraulic cylinders route instead.

Look how quickly a LowRider jumps around. Imagine making a platform like PFC's with longer hydraulic cylinders....Now you've got a Home Simulator with some punch. :D

Problem with this thread it is getting me thinking about building one now....Thanks Loren. But if I do build one I will send Loren the details.

If I was to go about this one properly....I would buy an old Cessna 150 airframe and chop it down. Mount it on top of 4 hydraulic cylinders and stick a large flatscreen in the front windshield. Now that would be awesome...

Cheers :D

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Nah you mount the cut down cockpit from the wing spar with hi-speed linear actuators and a third either in the front or rear for pitch .

All three work for heave and the left and right against each other for roll. a forth could be added for Yaw simulation as well.

cost of about $1000 or so for the motion with the software being open source at XSim. :)

I have seen a sim platform mounted on a four way gymball with wiper motor type gear drives pulling bicycle chains in a closed loop since there was no heave but yaw the whole lot was essentially silent giving Pitch roll and yaw at something like 30 Deg.

Car simming works opposite to Flight too remember as they lean out in the turn to simulate the "G" loads but for flight there is an initial roll component and the brain then works on the Visuals it is receiving.

Good luck with your upcoming projects everyone.

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That sounds good Maurice.

The other issue I find with that PFC unit is the four actuators are on the outside of the platform, I wonder how quickly they actually raise and lower that platform.

Or as Maurice has said you can do it with less actuators that better simulate the bank & pitch of the aircraft. This is looking more and more do-able ;)

Their are also some good YouTube videos showing some cheap motion simulator solutions, This guy does it with only 2 cylinders using recycled materials:



Cheers :D

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It's not hydraulic. You can buy the base and FSX software from RC Simulations in the UK for £6.5K, then plonk your existing setup on top of it.

..."If you close your eyes and push the control column forward and back the feeling is very convincing."

Should have done this to begin with....would of saved me some money on those new screens !!!

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LOL sky pilot I like that link But if I had an xtra 60 grand to burn I would probably buy a Porshe . !

You americans are lucky, Porsches' over there are around 4 times cheaper brand new compared our prices here in Australia :( My dad spent over $200k on his new one, and when we went over to america the same one was around $70k. UNFAIR!!! But I would have to admit that it would be so cool to have a motion sim in my living room :)
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My choice is when I have had enough of the PC I go down to the field, fire up the bird, and take her for a spin around the county.

Agree 100%...however the cost of renting a Cessna in New Zealand is now to the point where it is not worth it anymore.

I am thinking I am going to MacGyver one of these together next year now that ORBX is launching the scenery for my country.

Cheers :D

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