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When ORBX "does" an area (PNW/NRM) do they fix Navaids?


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The internal FSX database is from about the Spring of 2006 I think and frozen in time for almot 6 years as far as vanilla FSX goes.

When ORBX does an area like PNW, do they also adjust the ground based Navaids? Correct thier frequencies? Positions? Magnetic Headings? Remove those that are no longer in service? Add those that have been added since 6 years ago?




DME Stations

ILS Stations

And so on.

Just wondering.


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I did an ILS into Seattle in really thick fog, CAT IIIb autoland, and when I got to minimums (it was nighttime), I saw the runway next to me, so I hit the TO/GA button, did it again, and saw that the approach weren't taking me to the right part, and by minimums, I could manuevre to the correct place, so I diverted to Vancouver.

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Hi Charles,

The answer is no, we do not touch those, FTX regions are a landclass, autogen, mesh and vector based scenery product, the work we have done with airports has been purely to avoid plateaus or sunken airfields as the result of adding hi-res mesh, and to get rid of the ugly square shaped default airfields

The items you refer to are a part of the global FSX navigation database and any update of that would have to come from Microsoft in the form of a servicepack, or from a navdata specialist team

So yes we are stuck in 2006 ;)



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I have been spoiled by Reality XP GNS WAAS 430 and 530. They have data up to about 6 months ago. All the approaches are current and the GPS couples with the AP and hits them great!

Occasionally you expect an ILS (CYBW for example) at the end of your flight and the ILS is not there (missing in FSX). This happens from time to time.

I know Tongass X seemed to have added instrument approaches to the airports but that is a different situation.

Really not sure how many ILS's and DME's have been added in the last 5 years anyway.

But my real issue is the Kodiak. Has a fantastic G1000 but half the approaches are missing based on what I choose on SKYVECTOR or NAVMONSTER as the approaches are in FSX map locked to 2006. :( Makes the plane not as cool for IFR work. Ah well.



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I suppose a logical lead on question would be: "Does Prepar3d come with a "2011" navaid database"?

I acknowledge I'm being somewhat lazy by not Googling or visiting the appropriate vendor's site, but as you Orbx chaps have been playing around with the product for some time, perhaps you know the answer :)

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If all you want is to add an ILS approach system to an airfield then this is quite easy with 'Airport Design Editor', in fact its only a matter of a couple of clicks and its done

Ya the only other issue is the default G1000 (in the 172 and Lionheart Quest Kodiak) are missing the overlays. These approaches will not be there to load and active nor will the RNAV LPV stuff that is popping up all over every year. Again. Reality XP GNS Garmins have current (more or less) Navdata which I have been able to update twice and this is not an issue. GPS matches current charts which is cool. But then I could add those occasional missing ILS's like you say to be sure.

Looking for a backdoor solution to craving a G1000 that goes in the Kodiak that is as up to date for selectable real world Approaches as the RXP stuff is. So far my search turns up no joy.

If they posted a $30 Navigraph updatable G1000 add on for the Kodiak I would be all over it. Something liek the one in the Flight1 Citation. :)

I now understand that ground based Navaids and what a GPS has in the database are two separate things.


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