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FTX Day/Night switcher problem

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I recently did a complete reinstall of FSX, and reinstalled all my Orbx products, and at the end the FTX Day/Night switcher with FTX central set to 'NA'. Before I did the reinstall, the switcher worked, but now it doesn't, no matter if I put it on 'Day' or 'Night', the lights just won't go away!

Any help? Thanks! :)

BTW, I am very much enjoying my new copy of PNW and FTX Tamworth, thanks for those ;)

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To remove the lights you set it to 'Day'

Which lights are not turning off? the Day/Night thing only switches the autogen lightpoles off, so any custom lightpoles at airports will remain

If its still an issue: post up a picture of the lights that are not turning off, and if possible the date stamp of FSX\Scenery\Global\scenery/Miscelleneous_lib_orbx.bgl while FTX Day/Night is set to 'Day'

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I do set it to day, but the autogen lights nevertheless remain. None of the lights are going off on 'Day mode'. I have no idea what went wrong ???

EDIT: Errrmm, ok so I searched for the file that you mentioned above in scenery/world/scenery and it is nowhere to be seen! If it would help, I didn't reinstall Orbx libs after installing FTX Day/Night. Would that be the problem?

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Oh oopps, hehe. Silly me. Here it is, found it. The timestamp is Accessed 13 October 2011. And it was modified in 2009? And not only that, it says that it was created in 2010! Either something is not right or my computer time is completely messed up!

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So it does not change even if you watch it while you switch between Day and Night?

Perhaps you are running some sort of Antivirus that is preventing the swap, or have 'User Access Control' turned on? and where is your FSX installed, the default location (x86 program files) or in another folder?

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I do have UAC on, but when I installed Day/night on my old FSX installation, I had no problems.

And no, I just tested it, it does not change even while I'm watching it?

All I have is Microsoft Security Essentials, never had any problems with it, and it does the job properly. And yep, I have it at the default path of x86 program files.

EDIT: I just checked, and I think I've worked out what the culprit is! On my old FSX installation, I had full privelages over the FSX folder. But now it looks like I have very limited privelages! I will change it to full privelages and report back.


You can certainly mark this as resolved :)

Thanks a lot for your help Tim!

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