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I am extremely unhappy with the way ORBX seems to think that by forcing its customers onto a forum will satisfy its support responsibilities. It does NOT!

Firstly, I have not bought ORBX products to enable me to join a social forum;

Secondly, as it is supposed to be a support forum, my authority to post support questions and to read support issues from others should be automatic after having already bought two of your products;

Thirdly, I have now registered and I am STILL prevented from posting and viewing messages;

Fourthy, the condescension that is part of the registration process and the impossibility of some of the security posers is completely unacceptable.

I came to this site from FTX Central when I was presented with an error message which forcibly (as no other option was given to resolve the error) directed me to this forum. After thirty minutes I am still unable to address the forum and it has been longer than that since I received the error message; my flying for today has now been ruined because I have run out of time. It would be nice to say Thank You but it would be extremely cynical of me to do so!


Mike Monk

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I'll be dammed !!! ???

I've owned ORBX addons since the middle of last year and I never did register here. Well, that say's something about your software doesn't it? It never occurred to register here because the software never breaks I guess.


Anyway, glad I made it here. Hi everyone!


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