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FTX Central Error


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Recently I have an error when switching regions in FTX Central, the errors are as follows:

Apply region error report.

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_ChestnutMaple.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_ChestnutMaple_FA.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_ChestnutMaple_HW.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_ChestnutMaple_SP.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_ChestnutMaple_WI.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_CottonwoodElm.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_CottonwoodElm_FA.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_CottonwoodElm_HW.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_CottonwoodElm_SP.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_CottonwoodElm_WI.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_OakSycamore.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_OakSycamore_FA.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_OakSycamore_HW.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_OakSycamore_SP.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_OakSycamore_WI.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_thin.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_thin_FA.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_thin_HW.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_thin_SP.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_Broadleaf_thin_WI.dds

FSX File does not exist: F:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\veg_conifer1.dds

I have Acceleration Pack installed and the mentioned files exist, any comments? Thanks!

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looks like the backup folder has got marred hence when it searches for those it can't find 'm

switch FTXCentral to default fsx

unzipp and add the attached file folder into your .......\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts folder and all should be well again


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  • 1 year later...

hey Wolter

just wanted to say thanx,

i recently purchased PNW, USA/Canada PFJ, NRM and CRM. Right from the first dvd installation i kept getting these 'fsx file does not exist': related to the custom.na/default.xml file and the autogen/default.xml,

basically saying that they weren't there. The files were there though, they were there all along. not the bak files like i have read fixed so many problems but the xml files. So for the last 3 weeks i have read and read and read through these forums inside and out, i installed all the patches, new updated libraries tried remaming the xml files reinstalled acceleration, countless times of toggling back and fourth between default fsx and orbx sceneries just as i had read in the forums and just could not get rid of them errors. i wasn't really seeing anything else on the forums to try next so was at the point of defeat and didn't know what to try next, was thinking about a whole new install of everything..... but then i come by this post and your reply with the custom.na.zip, not really good at doing that kind of stuff but i gave it a try and by god it worked!!!!!! no more errors no nothing!!! whatever was in that download it worked!! i could have kissed you i was so happy. And the results......... WOW!!! this software is wonderful!! thank you so much Wolter van der Spoel

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