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Hi All I need Help with my AI Traffic!. Despite Reinstallon of FSX I still have No AI traffic showing both sliders set 100% I have also removed my FSTraffic X (That stopped perfoming when I first implemented Orbx AI) I have Never on this PC downloaded AI traffic for FS9 or traffic flight plans To my knowlege? nor have I ever had WOAI

I can not read my Orbx User Guides I get an Error Mesage Access Violation @address 01dbb976 in Modual sx-pdf-lib.dll Read of address 00000000 on All Guides

What I want to know is

1 How to Uninstall Orbx AI Traffic fromFSX

2 When I go into Controle panels and deselect the AI Traffic I get a message Could not switch AI Traffic-GA Aircraft Movements.

I have installed the latest Qrbix AITraffic

Please ALL Help

Cheers Chewit :( (Hopefully :) )

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The FTX AU Traffic pack is a simple installation so trouble shooting or an uninstall should not be a problem. Unfortunately, I’m away from my home computer until the end of August so I will be unable to provide any meaningful assistance until then.

In the meantime, perhaps someone else may pick this up and throw in an idea or two.

One thing you could advise on, do you know if the FSX default AI traffic was working as it should before you installed the FTX AU Traffic? I also note you have a few Orbx airports which have their own AI traffic. Were you seeing any of that AI traffic operating at Tamworth, Hervey Bay, Concrete Muni etc.

Sorry I cannot be more supportive at this time.

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Hi Chewit have a look in your Scenery/World/Scenery folder and look for all your traffic bgl files turn all FTX traffic bgl files off and the default file is switched back to a bgl then you might have a little bit of lucl i had the same problem just last week it worked for me good luck mate all the best. pjac58 Peter.

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Hi Peter and Graham Thanks for responce to my Problem

Graham Yes every thing worked OK before insall

Peter I looked in folder for Traffic files and found neally All Traffic files have a Duplicate one BGL file and one BGL OFF file and most of my ADE files have a Duplicate BGL file one elevation BGL one elevation BGL OFF

There is one file traffic Aircraft.bgl DIABLED-FOR-FTX-AI I don't know what this one does

Some of my traffic files namely what look like Airfields their duplicates are in Blue writing ie Traffic_Redcliffe.bgl and Traffic_Redcliffe bgl.OFF I think these are the Freeware Airports

I am now at a loss about what to do Hope you or some one can help

Cheers Chewit :)

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Hi Chewit, thereby is your problem, you shouldn't have both .off and .bgl files in the world\scenery folder at the same time. Those for the airport addons should be off if FTX central is .off and if you have ticked the off option in the au traffic panel. Those for the au traffic shoud be .off if you select traffic off, either all, World or GA and Aust-NZ, and .bgl if you select on. You need to make sure that you have the options for au traffic active and then go through your world\scenery folder and remove any of the above ftx au traffic files that do not match this.


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