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Spammers Update, 3 months since implementing

Jay Kae

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Lol I never said you were my young friend, however, sometimes people do perceive young people especially who post a lot as spammers, there are two cures for that:

1) Post quality rather than quantity and think about your posts for say a minute before hitting that reply button

2) Maturity

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Thanks. Yesterday I got a email from a moderator telling me to slow down a bit. He was right. I had posted around 45 times that day. Let's say my fingers were on crack. Number 2 I can tick off, I'm okay with maturity. Number 1 I will have to keep in mind. This post is quality. Not quantity :) Great to see somebody who is from Sydney! Not many around here eh?

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It really is great to have the peace of mind knowing that you can enjoy reading these forums without the hassle that spammers bring to the table when they arrive. Thanks Jay, for all that you do here (and everywhere) to keep things running smoothly and at the peak of their performance at all times (mostly behind the scenes). You no doubt do many things, spending many countless hours, to ensure that we can all enjoy this wonderful hobby without worrying about all the stuff in between. Thanks again!!!

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Yup it cycles. Most places I moderate had a huge hit that month. Jay I can't remember but do you guys use security questions in the registration process? Just adding two of those, say simple sums really killed off 90% of the spam attempts at this other place I visit. :)

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Yeah there are security questions but there is a new form of spambot, it is a cheap (no offense) Indian or Sri Lankan who registers, now questions, reCAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) do not work on real humans with at least a quarter of a braincell. Different measures need to be taken against them and short of cutting the line between our continent and theirs, I have to stay a step ahead of them, seems to be working at the moment.

Your powers are weak old spammer, now I am the master and you are but the learner.. or something like that LMAO!

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Lol I never said you were my young friend, however, sometimes people do perceive young people especially who post a lot as spammers, there are two cures for that:

1) Post quality rather than quantity and think about your posts for say a minute before hitting that reply button

2) Maturity

good onya mate and I want to thank you sometime one could brake that rule sometimes and one could appreciate the deletion of said broken rule ::)

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