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The high road to Darwin

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G'day all,

Some more tube flying from me today. Took the A320 up for a spin, and made the long haul from Perth to Darwin. To add some extra atmosphere I tuned into the YPPH live feed from Live ATC after seeing it recommended on these forums this morning. Really stoked at how much a bit of background chatter adds, it'll be a permanent fixture for me now for sure. Departure was early afternoon and the flight was in real weather all the way. Anyway, on with the show...

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Climbing out over the wheatbelt to the NE of Perth. Weather - ordinary. Very ordinary.

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At cruise, 35,000' and settled in for the long boring bit.

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Ooooh, a landmark! Flying over the Argyle Diamond Mine. YARG is visible slightly to the north and the ARG VOR is one of my waypoints. Also (just) visible at the top of frame is the extreme southern end of Lake Argyle.

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Only a little further on, turning over Kununurra and the mighty Ord river. Getting on towards evening now.

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Heading into the Northern Territory now, following the coast and only just overflying the Timor Sea.

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Sunset from FL350, just before TOD. ATC gave me a relatively short span of time to get down to approach height, really had to wail on the spoilers to get down fast enough to intercept the localiser.

Hope you like, as always I welcome comments/criticisms!!



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G'day young Derek, yep, can't criticise these, they're all lovely.

May I ask you please, how do you put a border around them, is it something only your screenshot provider can do, I use the OZx Image Hosting utility very kindly provided by Jay Kae for my screenshots.

Cheerz. Steve.

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G'day Steve,

The borders are added in an art package. All my screenies are cropped, colour balanced/edited and resized for display in Paint.net, a very capable free art program (get it HERE!) I add the border and signature in this package as well.



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