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Some impressions of YPMQ


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Hey guys,

I ve been on a trip from Avalon to Tamworth when I got the mail that YPMQ is ready to download. As Tamworth and Port Macquire are the same distance from Avalon I switched the arrival. I am sure there will be busses to get those passengers the left 100 miles to Tamworth. But I dont care at all, a new Orbx-Airport is more important.

So this is YPMQ when I reached it

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After getting some lunch after nearly three hours of flight I changed my flight suit and got out. I couldnt believe my eyes, the whole scenery changed ;)

So here are some impressions of the new Airport. It is again a masterpiece.

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I hope you got some insights to this great place. The shots are not that special for I I ve flown for three hours and I am a bit tired of sitting in front of this monitor :blink:

But I think there will be many more and of course higher quality shots.

Good night

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