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Black Screen then FSX freeze


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I installed the Tasmanian scenery demo with a view to purchasing the Australian DVDs. I folowed the install instructions and took off from Launy. I got to fly for about 5 mins and then the screen went black. Sound still worked (throttle responded) for about 30 secs and then the whole thing froze.

Task manager to kill process and then rebooted and tried again. Same result.

I am running FSX Gold on Win7 32bit. PhenomII x6 - 4GB Kingston HyperX - Nvidia GTX260 all with latest drivers etc.

I would like to buy this but I want to make sure it works first.


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Not that I can see. I have a fairly robust cooling set up in the case and have not had heat problems before. I checked the fan speeds and temps and they all seem to be within acceptable limits.

I am not overclocking and have run 3DMark to check that nothing is going to melt.

I will say that I do have the dreaded fatal error issue. But that only happens sometimes after a long flight and I try to switch to top down view to taxi to the gate. This back screen issue consistantly happens 5mins after take off.

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This is a system stability issue ... so it will be a matter of troubleshooting it.

Firstly .. you are running FSX SP2/ Acceleration? ie the Accel. part of gold has been installed?

Scenery of this kind stretches your systems capabilities ... but it doesn't cause lockups / CTD like the issue you are describing.

Run IntelBurnTest (should run ok on a Phenom) through 5 cycles (at maximum) and make sure it completes without errors

also .. Memtest may be useful to ascertain whether you have any memory errors.

You may wish to alter your settings (eg reduce autogen) to ease the load on your system, and see if that helps. Other settings (Water Low 2.x, Bloom off, Scenery Ground shadows) should reduce the load.

Rest assured .. the scenery works (thousands of people have downloaded it) .. but detailed scenery will test your installation

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I have all the SPs and Acceleration Pack installed.

I'll try all all the tests that and report back. I have run memtest in the past with no issues. I was thinking that it might be a PSU issue but I have a fairly new 600w PSU. Maybe I'll try to find a way to test it under load.

I'm guessing it's an issue with my set-up but I just wanted to see if there are any specific settings that need to be 'tweaked'.

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