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Australian aviation mags


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another distinguished gentleman such as myself that I know from work has the advantage of having a former Sheila as a wife . The recently went back to OZ and he was kind enough to pick me up a nice Sydney beer coozie along with two aviation mags ... Flying (Australia) and Australia aviation.As I flipped through the mags I noticed a difference right off. But the thing that made me want to type to y'all about it

is the fact that on page 76 of Flying Australia there is a regular installment called flight sims ..!! this is not part of the USA Flying mag publication. and I was amazed to see the author Dave Tonks talk about the Quest Kodiak...and I coulda sworn the scenery in a picture at YBOA was of the ORBX type . any how it is nice to see flight sim in an aviation mag and not just a mag dedicated to such...flight sim i mean . :lol: Oh yeah the afore mentioned mag has A right up about the Avalon air show in it ..

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I read Australian Flying, it's a great little mag and not a very big hit to the wallet at all... a 2 year, 12 issue subscription is about $80 or from memory about $7.50 or so at the newsagent. In fact, I seem to remember reading a letter in a copy a couple of months ago from a certain John Bosch as he pondered where to continue his flight training...



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Australian Aviation is better

Yeah, has all of the information around Australia, has all of the VIP jets(hey, maybe Iain will get a VIP jet too! :D )that come here, and GA and aircraft coming and leaving the register.


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