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Cant turn off FSX Default traffic in FTX

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Hi I am a fairly new user of FTX AI Traffic and enjoy the product immensly. It completes the whole flying experience for me in OZ.

I have just upgraded to a new computer with Windows 7 (64bit), and since converting to this new computer it will not allow me to "untick" FSX default Traffic.

In other words I have to have Default traffic + FTX International traffic + FTX Aust & NZ Traffic + FTX GA Traffic.

When I try to untick Default traffic it flags me with "Could not switch option ''FSX default traffic".

Could anyone help please??, is it something in Windows 7 I have to authorise or is it a fault with FTX

many thanks

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This just means your FSX default Traffic file has been renamed or is missing from it's default location. If you have another AI package installed chances are it has already taken your FSX default Traffic file out of play in some way. If so then there is no need to worry about using the FTX Control Panel to control this option.

If this is not the case, then navigate to your Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Scenery/World/Scenery and check that the file TrafficAircraft.bgl is in place and has not been renamed. The FTX methodology for dealing with the FSX default AI is to leave this file as TrafficAircraft.bgl when active and TrafficAircraft.bglDISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI when not active. For the selection option in the FTX AU Traffic Control Panel to work, your FSX Default Traffic file must have one of these two names.

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Hi Graham,

Thank you for your assistance.

Firstly I dont have any other AI programmes and navigated to World scenery as instructed and actually have both the files you said 'Traffic Aircraft.bgl' AND 'Aircraft traffic.bgl DISABLED FOR FTX in there??.

Which one do I get rid of (if any) to re allow me control at the control panel

Many thanks again Dave.

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