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Hi all. Am having trouble with the Canbarra wrapper. Still talking to Fltsimstore to try to resolve the issue but not having much luck. Alls fine untill validation, doing every thing correct ord. no. and know about O's and zero's, even have just tried the manual validation and still does not work, says incorect key or somthing along those lines. To tell you the truth getting abit fed up with it all. Was wondering if it its possible to get some sort of voucher and i'll buy the boxed product instead. Another thing happens the same as the other guy, when trying to validate it and wait, if you try to go back or cancel it just locks up and says wrapper not responding and then you can not shut it down and have to do a reset of comp. Hope some body can sort me out. cheers Derek.

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I assume you've been speaking with Jay about this issue. Usually when these sorts of issues arise and it's not human error it will be caused by an overzealous security package. If you've tried temporarily disabling your virus scanner and/or firewall when validating and still not had any luck let Jay know and he'll pass the ticket over to me for a credit so you can purchase the boxed version.

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Hi Adrian, thank you for your reply. Yes allready tried turning off anti virus but not the fire wall, I thought the anti software controlled the firewall. I might try that. Still waighting for a reply about the tried manual validation. Will let you know and thank you for the offer. Derek.

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