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newest patches for 7s3 an ystw


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Hi, I installed the newest patch for 7s3 and have the black tree box issue I read about previously so I reverted back to v. 1. from my dvd seemed to fix it.any ideas ?

Also installed the newest Tamworth patch tried 10 m mesh settings and I have 3d building sides with flat...(on the ground)roof textures at the concrete plant and warehouse close by the runway , basically two walls in 3d and the rest of the bldg. textures displayed as flat.  I reverted to the original dvd version and this fixed it any Ideas on this ?

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yes sir Of course ;D  I dont mind running the previous versions as they work fine except I do wish I could turn off the 3d orchards at 7s3 as they kinda shimmer. if you can share that info I would be much obliged  :)

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maybe sumtin to do with vidcard settings ?

I have looked at my end with all sliders pretty much maxxed out and do not suffer from the "shimmers"

I'm using the latest nVidia Beta 267.24 drivers

attached a screenie with my settings with nVidia Inspector, maybe it can help you to sort this


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I dont use Nvidia inspector I s there a way I can manually turn off orchards 3d without the service pack because it gives me black squares around trees. I have searched for this previous post  and I cant remember if there was a solution I try to keep up on the forums but I am busy as I am sure you understand ..also the 3d buildings I described earlier ...are they part of texture flow ...?  because some times if you look at them  from certain angles they "look" 3d. ...akin to the inverted mask theory,

but i like to fly around in the r22 and investigate all the teams handiwork.. ;D  If this is a technique to reduce impact on machines I would like to know so I can "let it be"

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