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Lancair comments

John York

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Well, I've finally managed to get the hang of the auto pilot and succeeded in getting a successful ILS landing.  This was after three 'go arounds' so I should know how to work the approach etc now! ;)

However, I do have a couple of criticisms (hear the screams, shouts; 'Orbx can do no wrong', I know!! ::)) so duck John! ;D

One is with the system for entering the nav frequences.  Its just perverse to have the whole numbers operated by the mouse wheel and the decimals entered with a click.  Why on earth couldn't the developers have used the normal inner and outer ring system which I am fairly certain will be the system on the real 'plane, 'cos the pilots of that won't be mouse clicking will they?

Another small criticism is that even with the lights on its very difficult to actually see the entries in the auto pilot bar in both the standard and the HD versions.

I also found there were times while flying it that I needed three hands, particularly when trying to get the altitude to 'hold' and at the same time alter the heading and answer ATC all at the same time.  I've no doubt I'll get used to that dilemma in time.

Having said that.  It is a lovely plane to fly manually. And that's what I'll be doing in it in future; short flights only.  Sad really because I've plenty of aircraft already to do those in and I was hoping for a nice small plane as an alternative to the length of flight that I would normally use the Duke or Mooney for.


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