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missing bridge and adjacent highway in seattle


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recently installed the pnw patches 003 and 003a, as well as the most recent orbx library.  the pnw scenery looks better than ever, based on several low level vfr flights over various areas.  i was surprised to find that the major bridge for interstate highway 5 ( near the university sports stadium, just out of the frame on the right in the attached image) is totally missing, along with the connecting segments of the highway itself on each side of the river.  there also is a great deal of "shimmering" of the textures of the overpasses for highway 5 in the areas where there are multiple lanes, but this is a minor problem compared to the missing bridge.  the road traffic does not appear to mind and can be seen merrily crossing the river without the assistance of the roadway.

Posted Image

i used the ftx configurator twice to switch back and forth between default and north america.  when the default scenery is active, the bridge and roadway are present,  and they when pnw is active, they are lost.  all of the other numerous highways, road and bridges appear to be present in seattle and elsewhere (or, at least, there are no gaping holes or gaps in the road systems).  i have not flown over seattle in the past few weeks prior to installing the pnw patches, so i cannot say for certain whether the bridge was present before the patches were installed, but it appears that the default fsx scenery is intact.

considering the coverage and quality of the orbx scenery on both sides of the pacific, the missing road is pretty trivial, especially considering that i do not have cross the river by car.  nonetheless, any suggestions about causes and fixes will be greatly appreciated.


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