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AU AI Traffic


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Hello again everyone,

I am impressed by the ORBX products but one thing is stopping me getting the AU scenery and it is the lack of AI traffic.

Then I saw the freeware AI and thought fanatstic!! However.......I can not get the AI to show up after installation. I have searched and searched the forum and found some similar problems but no actual solution. I do use World of AI and I see this at all of the airports. But I don't think the ORBX AI is working because I see no GA aircraft at the smaller airfields.

Can somebody please help me out and get this traffic up and running?

I only have the tasmania demo currently installed, but even Launceston airport is empty with perhaps only 1 World of AI plane there.

Below is a screenshoot of my scenery library and you will see the traffic doesn't appear to be there either. I am installing wrong perhaps?

Posted Image

I have made sure the boxes in the control panel are checked. I am at a loss!



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I think you will find the World of AI Traffic files are all FS9 ones and as such, they will suppress all the FSX Traffic files on your FSX system, even the FSX default ones.

Refer to this post for guidance on a solution. http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=17806.msg154801#msg154801

Don't hesitate to come back here if you need further assistance.

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Hi Graham,

Many thanks for your reply. I am very keen to get this fixed so I can enjoy ORBX products to their full.

I do indeed have all world of AI packages and therefore would need them to be converted to avoid this problem. The tool you have linked to is very interesting and will prove useful for this problem! However it does look very complicated. If I have any problems I would appreciate anyone's help who has had to do this conversion before.

This same problem probably explains why when I installed GA AI tool, only a small number of GA aircraft appeared to be installed.....the FS9 ones probably!!



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