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Fence Anti-aliasing?


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While this issue is probably not unique to ORBX, I'm hoping that someone here can help me. I'm getting a lot of strange effects with fences, in particular. I guess it's an anti-aliasing thing; you can see interference patterns in the attached (I hope!) image of YPMQ. This is particularly annoying around airports, since it results in an eye-catching sort of strobing.

Posted Image

I've tried with FSX anti-aliasing on and off, and various FSX filtering options. I've tried over-riding and augmenting things using the nVidia control panel (which seems to make no difference). I've tried to use nHancer, but it doesn't support the latest drivers and seems to be basically dead.

The attached pic was taken with FSX anti-aliasing on, and with nVidia control panel at 8xAA and 4x for transparent textures.

I'd appreciate any advice about what settings I should be using to smooth out the fences.

Many thanks!

Peter McLennan

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While this issue is probably not unique to ORBX, I'm hoping that someone here can help me. I'm getting a lot of strange effects with fences, in particular. I guess it's an anti-aliasing thing; you can see interference patterns in the attached (I hope!) image of YPMQ. This is particularly annoying around airports, since it results in an eye-catching sort of strobing.

Posted Image

I've tried with FSX anti-aliasing on and off, and various FSX filtering options. I've tried over-riding and augmenting things using the nVidia control panel (which seems to make no difference). I've tried to use nHancer, but it doesn't support the latest drivers and seems to be basically dead.

The attached pic was taken with FSX anti-aliasing on, and with nVidia control panel at 8xAA and 4x for transparent textures.

I'd appreciate any advice about what settings I should be using to smooth out the fences.

Many thanks!

Peter McLennan

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I was gonna ask the same question. I have AA turn on in Inspector but the fences still shimmer like hell, any way to fix that. I have a GTX 480

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...depend also on your Hardware and as we have no info on that, every guess is the wrong one ;D

  • i7-2600K at 4.6 GHz
  • 8GB DDR3-1600 CAS 7
  • GTX-570 overclocked
  • OCZ Vertex 2 SSD
  • Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
  • 1920x1080x32 LCD

Frame rates aren't a problem. If there's any settings or incantations that would mend the fences, I should be able to run them (driver bugs excepted). It's a bummer that nVidia control panel doesn't always over-ride FSX, and that nHancer isn't an option any more.

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