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I've ordered and installed lots of the airports.  I've now got a new computer and reinstalling but suddenly I receive a message saying 'Od version of FTXCOnfigurator.exe detected" and to get a new version. I seem to be going round in circles on your website.  Where do I find this new file please?


Geoff J.

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Absolutely not, what's the newest product that you have?

I'm asking so that I know what to have you install again or patch again as a sort of retry.

It sounds like you installed some products and then installed an older product with older versions of some core parts of the FTX software system, causing errors. If you install a newer product or a patch that includes the newer core pieces of the FTX software then it should fix the problem.

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What regions do you have installed?

I really need to know what the newest product you have installed is (as in, what is the most recently released product that you have purchased and installed?). Can you make a list of what you have installed? I would really like to get this resolved for you so you can enjoy FTX like you want to. :)

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