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[ANSWERED] FTX AI Traffic v3.0

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I just installed AI traffic on a new computer and if I set the traffic slider up to 100, there is about 5-8 aircraft at the domestic  terminal at YBBN. I then went to Sydney, only finding aircraft at the domestic terminal. I checked the Scenery/World/scenery folder and these are the BGL's I have:


Traffic_FTX Aust-NZ Airlines.bgl

Traffic_FTX GA Traffic.bgl

Traffic_FTX International Airlines.bgl


Can anyone tell me what's wrong?


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It would seem that your Scenery/World/Scenery folder is in order so there should be no issues there. However, you should deselect the Traffic_Brisbane.bgl file as those aircraft are now included in the main FTX Traffic pack. You can do this via the YBBN Control Panel. This is just a housekeeping matter and will not help resolve your problem though.

Could you please check that the 90 FTX aircraft folders have been installed into your SimObjects/Airplanes folder. Could you also confirm that you have not relocated or renamed your Simobjects/Airplanes folder in any way.

It would also help if I could see which aircraft are appearing. Could you post a screenshot of some of the aircraft you are seeing YBBN so I can try to track down the problem that way. 

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Thanks for the reply. I can confirm 90 FTX aircraft files in SimObjects/Airplanes, and here's what I'm getting (forgive me if I'm wrong, it's just that I'm upgrading hardware and on my other computer there seems to be more AI):

Posted Image

[img width=1160 height=675]http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/1301/201118112220118.png

Thanks for your help

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9th January 2011 (apparently my computer thinks it's in the future) about 11:25AM

A Queenslander should never offer an opening like that to a New South Welshman! LOL. I'll resist the temptation and move on.

I've just checked my system and I have the very same aircraft as you at those spots. Try about 8:30AM on the Monday morning and you should see a lot more activity.

The FTX AU Traffic schedules are based on the actual Airlines flight schedules as current a few months back. As such, there will be many quiet periods with a lot more activity during the peak times. Check some other times and Let me know how you get on .

Sydney is a different issue as Microsoft did not place many large parking spots at the main International terminal in the default APX file. I think from memory there are only about 2 spots large enough to take aircraft bigger than a B767. This is probably why you are not seeing any large jets on the International Apron. You need to see if you can get a modified APX from somewhere and place it in your Addon Scenery/Scenery folder. I did one a year or so back but I'm afraid I can't find it now. 

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