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Guest J van E

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Guest J van E

In another topic I asked for some guidance for NRM, because I had the feeling I was missing something. I felt a bit lost out there and nothing really made me go 'wow'. fltsimguy gave me some directions :) and BOY did I go WOW now! Apparently I was flying in the wrong areas. ;)

This afternoon I plotted a flight from Jasper south to Golden, following the valleys as much as possible. And really, this flight alone was worth the money spend in NRM (pre-christmas-sale ;D ). Awesome. Because the flight was a bit long for my kind of flying, I took off in the Kodiak instead of the DA-40, but this sure is a flight I will do again in the slower DA-40, just to enjoy all the panorama's once more. And once again. ;)

The first thing that struck me was the amount of trees (and some may know I love lots of trees). Look at this:

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...and this: trees!

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How many trees can one man handle during one flight?!? ;D

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I felt a bit reluctant to post more screenies, because screenshots just don't do justice to this scenery: seeing it all pass by with a silky smooth fps is just awesome... I decided to simply post all the other pictures without comments. All taken from the VC. Of course... ;)

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Reaching the valley where Golden is.

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Approaching Golden.

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And Golden it was! :)

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Yup That's the stuff right there. :)

Bush flying in a Kodiak, 182 or 185 up there is great! Favorite plane for me is currently the Careando model Bonanza F33. Great visiability like the Kodiak as well.

South on your journey to the US will be Edgewater. Try not to blink. Radium. Again, don't blink and FYI, in real life the little airport there is rarely used. My sister-in-law used to live beside it. Invermere. Easier to spot. They will be fixing the tree autogen there as the approaches are currently blocked by trees. Nice little airport there.


For me, alot of the enjoyment of the NRM scenery comes from trying to do cross coutry flights in IFR by the book. Use the right departure proceedure, enroute, arrival and approach proceedures in IMC in the mountains and then wonder how they do this sort of thing and keep sane and alive. A few minutes in the wrong direction at some of these airports in low visiability would spell doom.


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A really great set there and I enjoyed viewing every single one of those!  :o

I fly using real weather and current season, so flying in the winter textures at the moment, but seeing your shots makes me wanna advance to summer early!

Thanks for sharing these!

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Guest J van E

nice! what are your pc specs OP? it seems like all those trees would be pretty hard on my PC 0_0.

i7 920 @ 3.3, nVidia 285, 6 Gb RAM, Windows 7 64 bit. So it's an okay (almost two year old) system but certainly not the fastest on this forum! Still, I have most settings maxed out.

I use one single tweak to get smooth fps above all those trees and that's the Bufferpools @ 0 tweak. Without that tweak things get choppy and ugly.

I do have some late loading textures every now and then but to me it's hardly noticable and I don't mind that as long as I got smooth fps with extremely dense trees. ;) I also have to switch to windowed mode for a split second every now and then (once in 15 minutes or so) to get rid of some artifacts that may suddenly show up, but again: I gladly do that because I just love smooth fps aboves those trees! I am an autogen lover. :P

Some people may not like those two little 'problems' I mentioned but it works for me and it's a lot cheaper than having to buy a new CPU and GPU...! ;)

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Fantastic shots mate - I love trees too, and I don't think I've ever seen them look better than in this series of shots. It makes me want to go out a buy a new system.... (I'm getting an itchy credit card finger just thinking about it!)

Another cool flight is from Vernon down Lake Okanagan to Penticton (about 50nm) and then south past Osoyoos (another 30nm) and then to Tonasket, Washington (20nm further south). Admittedly this area is a bit drier (it's in a "rainshadow" from the mountains to the west), but it's still good and if you're up high enough you get a great view of the Cascades in the distance to the west. The irrigated lake and river valleys are good to look at too.

Idaho and Montana are great too. There's an area near Missoula that's to die for, and that was when I flew it a couple of years ago in default! I can't wait to fly it in FTX.



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WHAT a fantastic set here as well - after 36 times of :o :o :o another 16 times of  :o :o :o !!! The light and atmosphere is fantastic here again and indeed: The trees... well: In many cases some pictures tell much, much more than words - so this is just a try: WONDERFUL!!! okay: it doesn´t work - i´ll go back to the pictures again now :D!!! Thank You for sharing them!!!


nice! what are your pc specs OP? it seems like all those trees would be pretty hard on my PC 0_0.

i7 920 @ 3.3, nVidia 285, 6 Gb RAM, Windows 7 64 bit. So it's an okay (almost two year old) system but certainly not the fastest on this forum! Still, I have most settings maxed out.

I use one single tweak to get smooth fps above all those trees and that's the Bufferpools @ 0 tweak. Without that tweak things get choppy and ugly.

I do have some late loading textures every now and then but to me it's hardly noticable and I don't mind that as long as I got smooth fps with extremely dense trees. ;) I also have to switch to windowed mode for a split second every now and then (once in 15 minutes or so) to get rid of some artifacts that may suddenly show up, but again: I gladly do that because I just love smooth fps aboves those trees! I am an autogen lover. :P

Some people may not like those two little 'problems' I mentioned but it works for me and it's a lot cheaper than having to buy a new CPU and GPU...! ;)

Interesting info!!!

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