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An Englishmans steed.

Iain Emms

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Spiffing shots Iain  :)

And speaking of an Englishman’s steed I watched a program this evening about the making of the stage version of Michael Morpurgo's 'Warhorse' - it uses puppetry with actors and is one of the most incredible things I've seen... life size hand puppet horses, that mimic the animal so closely it brings tears to the eyes... YouTube it to see some clips.

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Outstanding to me this time Iain - how do You just manage to get it all that very crisp!! though actually... when i think about it: Don´t tell... keep that magic and little secret tor Yourself - because it´s always such a great pleasure to see pictures that have some "aura" around them - allthough it may just be bits and bytes an zeroes and ones... or just the perfect tweaking of a graphics board - for the moment they look really alive - i like that!! on the other side... who knows... one day i may ask  ;D ;D !!

But for now: A very great set again!!

have apleasant flight

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