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Dawn Patrol [12 pics]

Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

Well, after yesterday's early-christmas-shopping-glut at IRIS, I thought I'd take one of my new acquisitions up for a bit of a spin.  So today, we're out spotting the elusive Pilatus PC-9/A, observed here in it's natural habitat around RAAF Pearce and showing it's local plumage.

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Cor blimey, we've found one of the little buggers already.  Up for his dawn flight and displaying some acrobatic prowess for the ladies as he leaves his nest.

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Quick!  Follow the little blighter!  He's heading for the coast!  Seen here crossing the RAAF weapons range and heading for Yanchep.

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We caught a quick glimpse of him again over the Yanchep National Park.  He's a quick little beggar.

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OK, now we've caught up to him, he seems to have settled into a more or less straight flight pattern now, just off the coast and heading south near Quinns Beach.  If you get your bino's out you can probably make me out walking my dog along the beach down near where the sun's reflecting off the water  ;D

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I thought he was going to swoop those smarmy SAS types down there at Swanbourne, he kept twitching over that way.  Maybe he was just planning an evasive dash up the Swan.

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No, today he seems to be expanding his territory somewhat.  Seen here passing the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour.  Maybe he just saw all those seagulls flocking around Cicerello's, and thought he'd go grab some chips.

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Oh, interesting, now he's pestering the Navy boys at Garden Island.

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Turnin' East and checkin' out the causeway.  Making a dash across Little Britain Shoalwater/Rockingham. *1

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Ah, now he seems to be turning back for home, caught here over Byford with Wungong Dam visible in the background.

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But what's this?  Aggressively accelerating and descending along the hills?  Looks like he's making a low pass to wake up the bogans very fine folk in Gosnells.  What's that?  Yes, you down there.  You reckon your V8 Falcodore sounds really awesome doing burnouts at the end of the street first thing in the morning?  How do you like a Pratt & Whitney PT6A at 200kts a mere 200' over your head? *2

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Ooh, look, a quarry from those very fine folks over at OZx  ;D  Our friendly PC-9 seems to be flagging now and wearily making his way home to sleep for the day.

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We leave him here, lazily circling his nest for an approach into 36R.  Maybe we'll catch up with him again soon  ;)

Overall, I'm totally stoked with this plane.  It's reasonably easy to fly, looks great and sounds great as well.  Very happy I grabbed it during the sale (Thanks again David and co!!!)  Stay tuned, more to come soon.



*1 Perth humour

*2 More Perth humour.  No more, I promise.  ;D

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A real great series here - nr.5 is WOW - and Your watersettings are a real amazingly cool thing WarpSpider74!! also like the narrative here very much!! and indeed: the Pliatus is a cool plane to fly/play :D along with!! have to admit though that i had some trouble landing it correctly and safely in the beginning. But:

Great set of pictures - puts the plane and the scenery into a real great light!!!

have many more pleasant flights with Your new christmas-plane

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