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Riding the Buffalo

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With the Douglas DC-3 being my favorite aircraft I had to take the plunge and got the Justflight DC-3 (actually I preordered it). So far I have mixed feelings about it. The externals looks very good, but the cockpit looks a little too sterile and artifical (plasticy). The sound is a little strange too, even with the additonal sound pack that they released. As with the visuals the external sound is very good but is a bit disappointing on the inside, because in the cockpit even at full power it sounds like the engines are idling. The flight model seems to be alright as far as I can tell. Overall I don't regret my purchase but it isn't exactly top notch material either. At least it's a native DC-3 with lots of variety. Enough with the reviewing, here are the shots:

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The VC turned me off too when it came out so I did not go for it. I left 2D cockpits back in FS9 three years ago. Not going back.

It is nice to have a good looking aircraft but you spend most of your time inside, looking at the cockpit. That's what they should spend their time working on. My .02

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Hmmm,  Sterile I agree with, as well as the complaint about the sounds.  but "2d" not so much,  maybe a better look

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[img width=1160 height=652]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/447panel_2.jpg

Some actually fairly nice backlighting for night/dusk ops

[img width=1160 height=652]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/206panel_3.jpg

Yes, It's steam gauges mounted on a FLAT panel,  but that's authentic.  I'm not that jazzed about the textures tbh, and I'd like the whole thing to be filtered through 60 years of abuse.  This is not really a hateable panel in my opinion though, and I enjoy operating with it

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Don't mean to hijack the thread, and these are great pics as always by Jigsaw!  won't try to argue too much more.

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Lovely shots Patrick! I do agree, this is a great model, but it does need an SP to roughin up the "office" the sounds are a bit better after the sound upgrade bit could use a bit more love. All in all I'm glad I got it. Buffalo Airways rocks! Just got my Buffalo Oshkosk DC-3 75th anniversary t-shirt the other day! :)

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