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Lancair-dumb question but i'm stuck


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When i turn the power on  the 430's the blue screens lights up then the -OK- function blinks off and on, but how to get them to normally work after that ? , cause it just sits' there and blinks --Ok--.And  since the gauges are pretty small does that mean my next purchase has to EZCA? Boy she is one slippery little bugger isn't she - it doesn't have speed brakes for nothing. Anxious to try the EGT function, i used it a lot in real world on a Cessna 210 and used properly you can make an engine go for many hours with that function.  Louis  - order nu FSS0087833

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Do you use version 1.1 of the Lancair, Louis? If not, get the update from the support page because you will see some nice popups being available then.

You then click the GPS screen, the 2D popup comes up and you can easily press "ENT", as WarpSpider74 mentioned. You will see this popup function on the AP and the PFD too, so a very helpful feature here.

You don't need to buy EZCA, but I'm sure everybody can recommend it to be a nice addition to everybody's flight experience.

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No problem, see her as the most complex GA plane around with some others like a Do-27 or something to compete.

As far as just the operation in Fsx goes (clickspots, tricks, hints), the manuals are really recommended here and don't take long to read.

The pure flying operation will take longer much longer to learn but, as on all complex things, usually is very rewarding when mastered. So enjoy the way to it.  :)

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