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Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

I've started exploring the content of the new OZx 3.3 update with some short VFR flights around the southwest of W.A.  This one's a real short one, with a launch from Wagin airfield (YWGN) followed by a quick tour of the town and surrounds, then a brief hop 14NM to the East to Lake Dumbleyoung for a landing at the farm strip.  I'm super-impressed by this update, the OZx guys have done an amazing job on all the new fields - and they've really spoiled us Sandgropers this time with heaps of new content for W.A.  Here we go  :D

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Preflighted and ready to taxi out to the runway from the Wagin Aero Club.  What a friendly little place  :D  Unfortunately, I found that no matter where I placed my plane, as soon as I tried to move off it would crash into invisible buildings - even on the runway.  Disabling collision detection did the trick though.

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South of the town, flying past Parkeyering Lake and the rest of this small chain of lakes.  These are some of the best inland waterways I've seen in FSX, at least in Australia.  They look incredibly lifelike.  6 image composite panorama, approx 180degrees FOV, click to enlarge.

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Flying back over the town and the airstrip before turning east.  There's some red lights down near the grain terminal... are those railway crossing signals??  I didn't realise they'd gone to that much detail.

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Approaching Lake Dumbleyoung

[img width=1160 height=270]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/962Lake_Dumbleyoung_29_11.jpg

Overflying Lake Dumbleyoung before turning and overflying the homestead prior to setting up to land on the 'strip.  4 image composite panorama, approx 160degrees.  Click to enlarge, I think I overcooked the exposure on this one though.

Loving flying the small strips again!  With this release plus Cairns I've got a ton of exploration to do... now I just need the time to do it justice!  Thanks OZx (and, of course, ORBX) :D



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Thanks all!

Great shots there Derek... especially the panoramic ones. Thanks for visiting the new strips and posting the evidence. I get a kick outa seeing other people enjoying them.

Cheers, Steve.

No worries Steve, I'm always happy to fly in my home state and have always enjoyed searching for and visiting the OZx strips around the place.  You'll find many of my screenies show off your work, and plenty more to come in the future too  ;D

Nice shots of Wagin airstrip.One of the best in W.A.

A great flight out from Bunbury or even better out of Cunderdin using the CBH grain silio's for visual reference.Now if only we had YNTM.


Wholeheartedly agreed mate.  I fly mostly out of YCUN, it'd be great to see YNTM in the mix as a good little halfway point between YPJT and YCUN.  I'd also like to see YAUG down at Augusta, and have been toying with the idea of doing it myself.



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Super, Super set!! it is currently snowing just in front of my window here... - like it, but... brrr...: cold - but then: Your pictures brought back some moderate temperatures - a fantastic sky and light in here and the scenery is presented wonderfully -  and the one over Lake Dumbleyoung... FANTASTIC  :o :o - really, really cool and beautiful!!

have a pleasant flight

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Great shots indeed!

I´m currently touring some of the brilliant OZx 3.3 strips and scenes as well and am always grateful for inspiration... At the moment I´m still stuck in the north and east, but posts like this one certainly whet my appetite for the west.



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