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I downloaded and installed eight of your freeware air fields for my payware Australia all in one REV4.Out of the eight Two of the freeware's have an issue.

1) Airfield Lilydale(YLIL).When I go to the field some of the planes are parked up in the air.Some are nosed into the ground.The main hangers area is down over a small hill.When I taxi around,I hit a lot of dips.My plane goes down and pops back up,until I get on the runway etc?.

Is there a fix for this?.I know it's dealing with elevation.

2) Airfield (YCUN).When I'm flying around this field,I'm seeing trees down the middle of all roads in the area etc?.

The other six fields I installed appear to be fine,other than getting the sliders where they need to be for the ground textures

Thanks for any support for the above.


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Lilydale was one of the first Orbx airports released and we have progressed significantly since then. The problem you see there is apparent on some systems and not others. Can I suggest you download and install the version 2.0 Beta, note you will need to install each of the 4 builds to get the entire airport.


Although this is still a Beta, you will find the two airports, yes two as Coldstream is now included, are much better in terms of content and performance than V1.5. The only thing that is yet to be completed is the addition of some of the autogen scenery in the area surrounding the airports. The airports themselves are essentially finished.

The trees on the road is a known issue at YCUN. It will be fixed when time permits.

Make sure you download and install the latest Orbx Libraries from the Support page http://myftx.com/FTX_AU_BLUE/FTXORBXLIBS_101104_.zip once you have installed all your airports.

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Since I am a much newer user of your products.I was not aware,there was a problem with Lilydale in the past.You sure did address my issue,and I thank you for that.

I have downloaded the four Beta's mentioned.I will install them shortly.

Thank you for your assistance.


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