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Into the deep blue... ummm... sky?

Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

I don't think I've really flown anything else seriously since getting the Lancair.  Flew the tutorial flight again tonight and snapped a few screenies on the way.  Here's a fast and dirty 8 pic composite panorama snapped while cruising along at FL210.  I was really taken by the colour of the sky above, and the gibbous moon just above the high cirrus.

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Clicky click for embiggenment.

Hope you like!



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Thanks all!

Hey, how high can that little plane go?

Being fully pressurised, it can operate at over 24,000' according to the manual, I fly it at 21,000' regularly but I reckon the engine would be flogged getting it up above 24k.  Must try it out  ;D



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