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AU traffic v3

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i installed AU traffic v3 and it is working fine, though i would like to go back to V2 if possible, the one thing i dont like about v3 is all aircraft are known as FTX and which model...i liked with v2 each aircraft was known as what it was (Quantas, Jetstar, virgin)......what do i need to do to go back to v2 from v3 please.....Thankyou

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Page 10 of the user guide explains how to remove FTX AU Traffic V3.01. Follow that and then just reinstall V2.0. You should be aware though that the aircraft textures used in version V3.01 are far superior to the V2.0 ones and so they will have a lower effect on frames. There are also a lot more GA aircraft and schedules which you will lose if you wind back.

If you really want the Airline titles instead of 'FTX', you would be better off to edit the aircraft config files.

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thanks for such a quick reply......if i were to change as suggested for each aircraft is the line i need to edit this....ui_manufacturer=FTX......then change to something like this .....ui_manufacturer=Qantas airlines....then doing this for each AI aircraft

once again thankyou

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That's the correct line but I would suggest just using 'Qantas', 'Virgin', 'Singapore' etc rather than the full airline name. You will also need to change that line for each variation in each aircraft config file. You can also use whatever description you like in that field for the non airliner aircraft if you wish.

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