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Dawn of the Lancair

Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

Starting to get a few good flights of the Lancair under my belt now and loving every minute of it  :D

Here's the pics of my flight this evening, taking off from Rotto at dawn and flying over Perth to Cunderdin.

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Launching from runway 27, Rottnest Island W.A.

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Made my turn and heading East now, climbing past 9000' and some cu's as the weather thickens up.

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Now why wouldn't you want to be flying at 10,000' on a morning like this  :D

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My post just wouldn't feel right at the moment if I didn't throw in a pano, so here it is  ;D  360 degrees of wraparound goodness at 14,000' and cruising.  The vagaries of panoramic shots give this an odd perspective.  The Lancair is heading North and is due West of the camera.  The rising sun (obviously) is due East and North is the centre of the picture.  South is at the two edges.  This means when I make my next turn east, I'm gonna be heading for that big scary looking Cumulonimbus calvus.  Awesome.

Props to Bill Womack for the seriously stylish Jag paint for this beast, it is so so luscious.  That green and gold metallic finish is to die for.  Now I'm off to fly that tutorial and learn how to fly this thing properly.



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It doesn'r seem to me you're flying it that badly now!

Nice pics.


Ha!  It's a good thing these are stills and not video.  Even though it flies like a dream, my piloting of the Lancair at the moment borders on comedy - I need to give it more attention.

Thanks guys!


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