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New fsx Aeronca Champ on left base for Crane Island


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I got the new CR1 Aeronca Champ for fsx package last week.  There must be 20 variations - Big tires, little tires, floats, skis, tail wheel, tri-gear, military, civilian, racing, you name it, it is probably over in the corner of the hanger somplace.  Just about the perfect plane for cruising the smaller airports in PNW.  Here is the cream, tricycle gear version that I especially like when taking off from some of these OZx enchanced fields.  I think it starts flying at about 30 kts, then goes up like an elevator for a couple hundred feet, which is just perfect for these unknown short strips.

I keep the windows open and try to stay under 1,000 feet so I can hear the wind and engine sounds.  Seems to be working great so far.  Highly recommended.


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