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There's something Fishy about this Lancair...

Derek McAllan

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Well, not the plane but this pic is very fishy...  Fish-Eye, that is.  *waits for the groans to subside*  Aww come on, the pun wasn't that bad  ;D

Still playing around with panoramas and here's my latest, and how could I resist featuring the newest kid on the block, the marvelously fantabulous ORBX Lancair IV-P.  This shot is a composite of 24 screen captures at 1920x1200 taken from a cam trailing from the right wingtip and composited into a full 360 degree spherical panorama.  This means the composite image can be viewed from within a panorama viewer and you can look in any direction you please... including straight up or down.  The flight was taken from Launy and the captures were a little south of the airport.

Posted Image

Rather than show my usual presentation of a panorama as an ultra-wide field of view cylindrical projection, I've chosen to generate this one with a fish-eye projection, you can see roughly 90% of the ground hemisphere below the aircraft and also about 75% of the surrounding sky hemisphere, the rest I've cropped off to make it a bit more visually pleasing.

Just as an aside, you can make some truly huge pics like this... the unedited jpeg of this image is a whopping 6848 x 3424 pixels and weighs in at 20.6MB.  After cropping, resizing down to forum post size and image compression, I got it down to 150kB.  I'm thinking about getting some of these pano's printed - they're large and hi-res enough for it.

Hope you like, please fling criticisms as you will  :D



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nice pov, but makes me slightly dizzy looking to long at it ;D;)

HA! me too :D - the 2nd one is like looking into some sort of a crystal boll -  i have to admit: ´really like the thing that is to be seen in there! a great set of "fisheyed" pictures!!

have a nice flight

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