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Picking up from the Farm

John Lovell

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What started out as a simple hop and drop off from Israel’s Farm to Darrington as actually turned into a mini tour of the Cascades in PNW. Scenery so beautiful and so inviting makes you wanna continue and explore some more..... So far it has been a breath taking tour with plenty of Mountains, valleys and Panoramic sights.

This hop takes me onwards South from Walter Suttons Farm in Washington and across to Starks Twin Oaks in Oregon.

As we leave Walter Suttons, its again, step on the brakes and throttle her up!....

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If you wanna gain enough speed and lift to get over these trees!

[img width=1121 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/7252010_10_2_17_10_34_72.jpg

Then I make a sharp turn as we leave Tum Tum mountain behind...

[img width=1121 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/7312010_10_2_17_13_4_592.jpg

And as we climb, we pass right over Walter Suttons airstrip

[img width=1121 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/7912010_10_2_17_14_37_159.jpg

Being a very overcast day, we level off at 3,000ft as we have a ceiling of 3’400ft and also, won’t be up in the air that long

[img width=1121 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/6702010_10_2_17_23_47_809.jpg

And crossing the Hood river, we also cross the State line of Washington into Oregon

[img width=1121 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/9052010_10_2_17_24_22_25.jpg

And clearing these hills we can slow her down and descend at a steady rate

[img width=1121 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/1912010_10_2_17_27_56_36.jpg

Been a very turbulent flight so far and things are a little tough as we descend as the wind is picking up

[img width=1121 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/9492010_10_2_17_30_17_350.jpg

And quite a strong cross wind as we near touchdown, apply a bit of right rudder to correct

[img width=1121 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/9142010_10_2_17_35_28_574.jpg

A little bit shaken, but all that soon disappears as we take in the wonderful fall colours of Starks Twin Oaks

[img width=1121 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/7952010_10_2_17_38_22_853.jpg

Gonna park her here and fuel her up for our next flight

[img width=1121 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/3232010_10_2_17_40_48_107.jpg

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