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Can Win7 64bit restore a Win7 backup made under Win7 32bit?


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Hi all

I think the answer is probably yes, but I need reassurance!

I only intend to back up files and folders using the in-built Win7 backup facility, not a system image. In the event of a HD crash or whatever I will install Win 7 64bit to replace my current 32bit version. Hence the question above. Might I be better off using a third party backup application?

(I know programs etc with registry entries will have to be re-installed, including FSX).


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I wouldn't bother with a back-up - as veryone says 32 and 64-bit don't mix well.

What you could do is use the Windows Easy Transfer system so that you can transfer personal files, e-mail, data, files, media, and settings from your old computer to your new one. From MS: Windows Easy Transfer is a wizard that helps you transfer the data that is important to you, including user accounts, files and folders, program data files and settings, e-mail messages, settings, and contacts, photos, music, and videos, Windows settings, and Internet settings.

You still have to install all software but you do retain your settings.



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Thanks for the replies guys - I've just invested in a ITB USB HD (50 quid!) and a Win32 file backup took up around 50Gb, so I'll do a belt and braces approach and manually copy files also.

What I SHOULD have done was to have installed Win7 64bit in the first place ::)

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