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Orbx Libraries question


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I am a little confused about the Orbx libraries download on the support page.  It says to install this "LAST" after installing the airports and scenery, which makes sense enough. My question, though, is when you have downloaded this after installing everything you needed to, what happens when you need to install something else after the fact.  This would mean that the libraries wouldn't be installed last, wouldn't it? What would you do then? I'm sorry if I'm asking a very simple question, but I'm new to FTX and I don't fully understand how things work around here yet :)  So when should I download and install this "Orbx Libraries 100921"?  I'm starting off right now with the AU Blue Free Demo and the YMLT freeware airport scenery to save some money at the moment.  Do I need to use this Orbx Libraries with them, because I see that it does say to check the installer text to see if its the same version...and if it is don't install it.  When I was installing AU Blue and YMLT I saw nothing on what version the OrbxLibs was. So what do I do? Would I need to download this on my future purchases and how and when would I do it?

Thanks so much for your help!


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The rule is to always install the library last. Literally. So if you buy a product and install it, install the library after that. If you buy another two products a week later and install them, install the library after it. If you download a freeware Orbx airport and install it, install the library afterwards.

Every 'Orbx install session' (so as soon as you have installed every Orbx product you wish to install at that moment) should end with the install of the library.

It COULD be that a newly released airport already comes with the newest library. In that case you do not need to install the library again. But doing it anyway won't hurt... ;) Make a habit of doing it, I'd say. ;)

(If I remember well, there has been a new airport once that had a newer library than the one you could download... In that case installing the latest library might hurt a little... but it only affected one minor issue at a certain airport somewhere, so nothing really important... Just install the lib last always.  8) )

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