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Avalon to Launy in the JS41 (12 pics)

Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

Had these pics kicking around for a couple of weeks and finally put them together for posting.  Have been doing this shuttle run from Avalon YMAV in Victoria down to Launceston YMLT in Tasmania in the JS41 a fair bit lately, basically because I love the plane and I'm really loving Tassie at the moment.  This set of pics is a compilation of several flights, all done under the same conditions and at he same time of day, but I've been tinkering with the settings a bit - especially since REX OD came out - so there is a bit of variation in the styles here.  The captain has asked that you please fasten your seatbelts in preparation for takeoff.

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Our IFR flightplan for today - created in vroute and on show in PlanG here

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All passengers onboard and accounted for, engines are spooled up and we're ready to taxi

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The very long taxi out to Runway 36.  Plenty of time for all the preflight guff.

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And we're off!  Positive rate of climb, gear up.  Avalon's quite a speccy airport.  Even though I've had it since I've had FTX AU, this flight is the first I've ever done here.

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Somewhere over Shoreham I think... maybe I should check my map.

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Right, we're going the right way... exiting Victoria via Phillip Island

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Crossing 15,000' for FL190.  Looks a bit gloomy down there with a pretty solid chop.

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Ah, much better.  Midflight over Bass Strait, clear weather ahead to the coast.

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Sooooo Bluuuuuuuue!

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Landfall Tasmania, near Devonport and turning for the approach to Launy.

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Vectored into a long final and the ILS went a bit batty... wanted me to fly for the hills.  Ah Honeywell... so reliable.  Oh well, looks like we're making the the approach the old fashioned way people.  Just you keep those belts on folks, 'tis a bit breezy down here.

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Imminent touchdown, and perfectly greased onto the runway.  Nothing to see beyond here folks... certainly not that flaming wreck off the end of the runway when the brakes failed... move along.

Hope you enjoyed!



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