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Aerosoft Airbus A320

John York

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There's one thing I've learned about this model and that is that it doesn't like to change the weather while in flight!  Every time the fifteen minutes in RWW has arrived it gives me a 'fatal error'.  The same thing happens when I try to change the manually set weather while in flight.

It's the only complaint I have with this airplane but it is annoying to have gone all through the flight preparations, taking off and then find the bloody thing has turned itself off and its all got to be done again. >:(


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Hi John,

I use REX and have only had the usual aircraft problems (instability sudden over speeds) as the weather updates, most of which are short lived but startling, I've never had a lock-up or CTD. I wish I could help.


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LOL, I have to say I had high hopes for this Airbus but it seems buggy, and the worst kind of bugs are those that are isolated to single PCs, I'm waiting for the boxed version but I can't help thinking they need to wait a while before pressing it or at least get a few service packs out first.

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Yes, well, I've just done another flight and on ILS approach it just started going crazy.  Excess speed and bearings completely wrong and repeated loss of height then height gain in quick succession.  I'm giving up on it and now looking for a Boeing or another make that I can rely on.

I don't enjoy flying when that happens.  I really thought it was going to be alright this morning as the flight had been perfect up to then, except of course I could do without that bloke shouting in my ear; 'traffic...traffic...traffic'!

Now does anyone know of a reliable Airbus or say 737 or 747 I could buy?  I hate the defaults.


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The Wilco Bus is very good if you just want to fly it, it has a beginner mode which is what I use. The cockpit is suspect in parts but lets be honest you see past all that if you are monitoring the flight as you should be. It can be a little heavy on frames but if you turn all the eye candy off like ground textures, mesh on low etc, stuff you don't see at 35,000 feet and save the settings under 'Jets' as do, it's really smooth to fly. I think also simmers who have used the Wilco will struggle with the Aerosoft version what the reviews I have read because one is less buggy than the other if you know what I mean ;)

The fold down table and jump seat in the Airbus X are nice touches and don't expect to see them in the Wilco, but just like the 'Bass Booster' feature on your stereo or the 3 zillion pixel on your camera, it's just gimmicks and a talking point to help the sales person sell you the product :)

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D'you mind Christian?!  The '3 zillion pixel' on my camera are all used! ;D

I'll have a look at the Wilco.  Thanks.  Heavy on frames I can probably accept.


Christian, I've just had a look but I'm a bit confused.  Is it the A380 you've got or one of the packages?

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No problem mate, if you do get it stick with it and follow the tutorial that comes with it, and you will have no problems, my only real gripe with it is that there is no window reflection on the windshields, but that's just my 'pet hate' lol but as an Airbus Simulator and that's how you have to really look at it I think it's very underrated  :) 

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Now thats a good question, Im not sure on Vista64x as I still use XP32 for FSX, I seem to remember there were issues with 64bit but I'm not sure these issues were sorted maybe someone here could confirm? Vol 2 is the larger Airbus package so there is a choice there  :)

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'Flying is just one huge calculated risk!'

That should read; 'Buying'!

Anyway, I've downloaded it now from The Flight Sim Store and about to install.  I try to get as much as possible from them.  They seem to have a good system and Adrian is pretty good when problems arise.

You know I've never once had problems with Vista 64x and I thought it was a definite improvement on 32x.  Smoother somehow.

I've deleted the Aerosoft one from the sim as the problems it was causing seemed to be making their way into other aircraft which I've had no bother with before.

Time for a restart now and then a defrag.  Should clean it up enough to install the Wilco.

I'll let you know how I get on.


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The best way to learn the Airbus John and I found this easier to handle is to brake your flight down into phases and learn the phases one at a time

Start-up phase

take-off phase

climb phase

cruise phase

decent phase

land phase

and just save those situations in the sim so you can keep going back to those scenarios, I was over whelmed at first as the learning curve can be steep but use the sim as a 'Simulator' first and you will have a great time with the Airbus  :)

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Yes, well, I've got to print the manual yet.  Had a short flight.  Must admit I prefer to cockpit to the Aerosoft one but admittedly there aren't so many buttons to push.  I don't care about that.

The auto pilot, while looking similar works differently so I've got to bone up on that.

First experience is good.  But so was the Aerosoft to start withj!


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