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Apologies upfront....another AI Traffic 3.01 Install problem


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Hi all,

I apologise up front because I sure this is a 'user issue' and having read the forums I guess you guys must feel like you have answered these sorts of questions a thosuand times.

Could you possbily make it a thousand and one more?  :  )

I have tired to install the AI traffic several times and couldnt work out why it was not working.  I made sure that AI traffic control panel had the GA, international and Aust and NZ traffic ticked.

Then I found Wolter's sticky on how the install should look and reinstalled to see if I could see were the problem was.

I have found a few, which I am hoping you can help me with.  (I am running Windows 7)

1) I dont get the files in my FSX AU/ORBX/FTX folder:




2) I do get the files in my FSX/ORBX/SCRIPTS



BUT for some reason I cant see the scenerylib_FTXAI_TRAFFIC.cfg 

3) SimObjectPaths.6=ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAI_AIRCRAFT is not writing to my fsX cfg

4) And then obviously FTX AI Traffic is not listed in my scenery control panel in FSX.

I would be grateful for any assistance.

Thanks kindly


Jon T

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Hi all,

Further to my post above.

I decided to have a fly while I wait to sort out the AI traffic.  This time when I loaded FSX up it could see that I now have what seems to be domestic AI (737's, Dash-8's and Saabs), but they all had blank plain white models.  Better than what had before and the blank white models didnt hit my frame rate.....  :  )

Any ideas???

Cheers again

Jon T

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Hi Jon,

If your textures are all white then it would seem that you may have the DX10 preview activated. Apart from some of the Payware AI aircraft, none of the freeware ones are suitable for the DX10 Preview mode. To see the textures, you will need to untick DX10 preview.

The files and folders referred to by Wolter are now obsolete as the latest version of FTX AU Traffic has a much simpler install process. Details of the files and folders and their location for this new version are included in the User Guide.

We will update the sticky.

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