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AU AI Traffic Uninstall


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Like many others, I've not been able to properly install AU AI traffic ((freeware) and wish to properly uninstall it.  I've searched the forum for solutions to the problem, but have become confused and frustrated rather than satisfied because the many posts on the subject seem to address a multitude of different situations.  I prefer to uninstall traffic and stay with what I've always used so can someone give me a 1 - 2 - 3 step on how to properly UN-install the AU AI traffic (3.0 freeware)?

Operating System: Windows Vista Home version.



P.S.  Perfectly happy with the other freeware scenery downloads (except the Airshow, which also will not display objects) and plan to eventually purchase other ORBX scenery.  Good stuff.

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Sorry to see you are not enjoying the FTX AU Traffic pack. The only reason it will not work is if you have deselected the main Scenery item in your Scenery Library or if you have a FS9 Traffic file such as WOAI installed.

Nevertheless, there is a four step uninstall procedure listed on page 10 of the manual.

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Thanks for the feedback, Graham.  Yep...I do have the WOAI installed so apparently that is the problem.  I'm guessing I'd need to delete the WOAI to be able then to successfully install and use the AU AI. Is there a trick to keeping WOAI and still use AU AI?  If not, (and I know this is an aweful question to ask) which gives the best overall variety of aircraft and works best with FSX, WOAI or AU AI?  I'll probably get a multitude of opinions on this one.  ;D  I should add... I fly mostly in the USA (Northwest and Southeast) with Australia coming in second and the Caribbean taking third place.

Added after reading the entire AU Traffic Manual: "That said, a few of our beta testers already have a mixture of WOAI + FSX AU TRAFFIC running with no apparent issues."  Ahhh...I think, this answers my question.



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WOAI, or any FS9 traffic file, will prevent ALL FSX traffic files from working, even the FSX default ones. This is probably why you are not seeing the Avalon Airshow aircraft as well.

The WOAI files just need to be recompiled as FSX ones and all will work fine for you. There are a number of programs around that will do that, but the one I recomend is AI Flight Planner. It's freeware and a Google search should help you locate it.

If you have any problems come back here and I will help you through the process.

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