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Walter's place invaded

Ron Attwood

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Last night Walter Sutton's place was invaded by a gang of airborne thugs. Farm hands cowered as time and time again they flew THROUGH the hanger. Terrified though I was I managed to get some pictures.

In one way...

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out the other..

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Oh no! Here comes another one!

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...and there he goes.  >:(

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This guy's luck has got to run out soon...

[img width=1145 height=700]http://www.finnglish.co.uk/scrns/wa79/will-he-make-it.jpg

He must have divine protection... :o

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On top of all that some young whipper-snapper buzzed the runway! Wait till I tell his pa.  >:(

[img width=1160 height=494]http://www.finnglish.co.uk/scrns/wa79/whippersnapper.jpg

And you thought life in the country was peaceful! Hah!

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I see the tail numbers have been removed to protect those involved!! ;D

I know who they are and where they live.  they come from as far afield as Hawaii, Alaska and Canada would you believe? They'll be getting a communication from the relevant authorities any time soon.  :)

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News just in: By the magic of 'computer wizardry' our boffins have managed to reveal the identity of one of the perps. It's not very clear but you can just make out the name. We've called the RCMP and you know what they say about them!

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    An tipster gave the RCMP a lead this morning (in the form of a picture) which has led to the idenity of one of the Barnstorming maniacs. He has been identified as "Stephen" aka "Spirit Flyer". Walter Sutton whose barn was stormed ealier this morning, stated that his "barn was littered with 8 track cassette tapes" from the american band "The Beach Boys". The RCMP believe these were thrown out of the plane and were intended to be some sort of calling card. Officer Dudley Do-right of the RCMP is following up on leads as to the where abouts of the "Spirit Flyer" and believes he may still be in Canadian territory. The RCMP has asked for your help in this matter and has setup a tip line @ 1-555-GET-FLYER.

Back to you Ron.  ;D


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