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AU SP3 & FTX addons

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Hello- Questions regarding FTX addons to FTX regions:

1)  I recently purchased FTX Australia SP3, and it is on its way!  Is Launceston airport, as presented by FTX supplementary addon AUYMLT, included in SP3, or do I need to also download the YMLT addon?  The fw download page indicates that the airport is in cluded in AU Blue demo.  Is it also included in SP3, and if so, is it the same version as presented by the AUYMLT  download, or is it an abbreviated version?

2)  The description associated with the FTXAUTRAFFIC300.zip Australian AI traffic for FTX addon indicates that the new v3.0 "...works with all Orbx FTX regions..."  Now here comes my particularly silly question:  Will it also work with FTX PNW, or only with all Australian regions?

Thanks a bunch!

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If your getting the SP3 DVD of Australia, then the following is recommended to accompany it:

- SP3.001 patch

- Freeware Holgermesh

- All the freeware FTX airfields

- AUTraffic V3.0

- And when your all done installing the above grab the latest ORBXlibs patch and run that

All the above are available here: http://fullterrain.com/ from the Support and Freeware tabs

Also make sure to get the Freeware OZx3.x scenery add-on here: http://aussiex.org/forum/ , its well worth it

And no the AUtraffic does not do the PNW

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Thanks Tim,  :)

I guess I have the following questions then:

1)  I thought that SP3 (and all the FTX full regions) already included their own mesh.  You suggest above that I also download the Holgermesh freeware addon.  What will the Holgermesh accomplish if the full terrain regions have their own mesh?  Does it replace the mesh in the FTX full region, or does it override it via its placement in the MSFS Scenery Library (e.g.: it is a separate "addon" in the scenery library, or it is a replacement of the FTX region mesh within the region files?)?

2) The description accompanying the Holgermesh download link indicates that it is 76m.  I thought that the FTX full regions had finer resolution mesh incorporated within.  What would Holgermesh 76m mesh accomplish, if I have finer resolution mesh for Australia already installed and incorporated via the 4 Australian full FTX regions (AUSP3)?

2)  I have been studying the OZx Scenery site, it looks nifty indeed.  My other question: Is Launceston Airport, as presented by FTX supplementary addon AUYMLT, included in SP3, or do I need to also download the YMLT addon?  The freeware download page indicates that the airport is in cluded in AU Blue demo.  Is Launceston Airport also included in SP3, and if so, is it the same version as presented by the AUYMLT  download, or is it an abbreviated or different version?

Thanks so much!

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The Holgermesh is not included on the SP3 DVD (it was on the SP2 Avalon DVD when we had more room on the disk), the mesh is 76m and that's pretty much the best that exists for Australia, all the Aussie add-ons are made and developed using this mesh (OZx included) so for best results I would always use it

Launceston airport comes included in the Demo package, but you will need to download it separately from our freeware section if you have the full AU FTX product, and as far as I know both versions of YMLT are the same 

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Thanks again, Tim, you have been enormously helpful!

Final questions so that I totally understand how the software operates:

The information for FTX PNW (which I also bought- yay!) indicates that it contains its own mesh.  However, you indicated that "The Holgermesh is not included on the SP3 DVD...so for best results I would always use it."

Am I correct in assuming then that, unlike FTX PNW, FTX AUSP3 does not have any of its own mesh or terrain elevation data *of any sort* contained and/or incorporated within?  (Am I correct in understanding that PNW *does*, however, contain mesh?)

Does that mean then that, unless a supplementary mesh such as Holgermesh (or another) is utilized, terrain elevations in FTX AUSP3 are generated via the existing default MSFSX mesh & terrain data?

Thanks for your patience with my inquiries.

btw:  I downloaded Launceston and am looking forward to visiting!  ;)

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Me again,

PNW comes with its own mesh (10m) yes

So for Australia: grab the free AU Holgermesh

And for PNW, no need to do anything, the mesh is included with the product

We would have included the mesh with the SP3 Australian DVD, but we ran out of room as there are 4 separate Regions in Australia that fit onto one disk

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