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Nose diving AI near YMML.

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Well then chaps as i was leaving YMML, the plane that left in front of me suddenelly nosed dived into the ground in the shot it went down to the left of the tail into the patch of trees no problem but i thought i would let you know. Also let you know its a great piece of work you chaps have done putting this out to us free. This is the new v3.0 im using. I dont know if this is right or the AI is supposed to do a circuit and then land anyway as i say no problem.



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I have not set-up any aircraft to do circuits at YMML, it's busy enough there at the best of times, so have no explanation for your wayward AI aircraft.

Although AI aircraft perform precisely as they are supposed to for the most part, they can sometimes perform peculiar and inexplicable manoeuvres, particularly in the first few minutes of a simming session. There is not a lot we can do about this , so we will just have to live with it.

That said though, If you can give me some details on the time and day of your flight, I will see if I can reproduce your issue. It would also be helpful if you could give me some info on the airline, aircraft or flight number for the that particular AI aircraft.

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One of the most common AI bugs in FSX see aircraft making extremely steep pitch down descents, and landing (sometimes a couple of nm) short of the runway ... then bush-bashing all the way to the first exit.

I have paritcualry noted this where there is a lot of traffic ... usually (as Graham says) if you wait a while, things return to normal.

I suspect it is part of FSX, rather than the AI as such ...

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