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I did a rebuild of my cfg and added the FTX AI line in when i started fsx i got these warnings saying the aircraft e.g. SIA A380 already exsits how do i fix this? ???

Also when i opened my scenery library there were no FTX entries should i add them in manually?

I added them all in from the ORBX folder and laoded a flight at brisbane. the YBBN scenery was ther but iw was the default surrondings????


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It would seem that you have the SIA A380 included in your personal SimObjects\Airplanes folder or another AI package as well as the FTX AI package. You just need to find the other one and remove it.

However, having said that, we are releasing a new AI Traffic pack this week which will have a different install process, ie. there will be no entry required in the FSX config file and all the AI aircraft will have a unique title thus avoiding any clashes with other aircraft as you currently have with the SIA A380.

I suggest you wait a day or two and then download and install the new one. It will automatically remove the old package for you and that will fix your SIA A380 issue.

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