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Finally done the overclock


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Coupla days back, my boy and I got on the net and read a whole lot of info on OC'ing and then I broke out the Mobo book, so that we could avoid any possible pitfalls.

I was going for an OC of at least 4 ghz on my i7 940.

OC'ing this mobo is pretty easy. They have an initial setting that does all of the thinking for you and will OC your CPU to 3.6Ghz with one setting change.

I'd downloaded the necessary software and after the first OC, we booted and ran prime95 for 24 hours and watched the temps.

40's on idle, mid 50's on 100% load.

After that, I went back into the BIOS and this time I just changed my multiplier to 23 (which is the max) and ended up with 3.8Ghz.

I again ran prime and watched the temps. They went up to mid 60's under 100% load.

I was a bit worried about the Core voltage. It was now into the 1.3 volt range.

After some time and some dutch courage, we sat down and bumped it up to 175.4 x 23, which gives me 4.034 Ghz, which is what I was aiming for.

I went back and ran prime again and this time my temps at 100% load are in the 80 degree mark and I now have a core volage of 1.422Volts.

Being a complete novice, I'm not sure if this is Ok, but I ran prime again for most of the day and it hasn't even blinked.

I'm gonna go play in FSX now and see if I can notice the difference,


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Hi Frank,

This gives me an incentive to post some screen shots that might help you and perhaps others a bit, not as a guide, but to help take some of the mystery out of bios settings and overclocking. Working on it now. My only comment is that the core voltage of 1.42 seems a bit high. Perhaps check out the last posts I made on this thread to see what I mean. I was able to lower mine from 1.44 to 1.38 at 4.3ghz. I will try to post a bit more detail when I collect and organize all that I am looking for.


Kind Regards,

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Thanx Stephen,

Is the V Core such a big issue? It's been running stable at over 4 Ghz for over 24 hours now and the flight I did last night was superb.

I would be guided by what you say, as you've been there and done that, probably got the T-shirt.

Also, I only use this PC for FSX, so it doesn't have any unnecessary other rubish or other programs running on it that I have to worry about.


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Thanx Stephen,

I've sent you an email a while ago.

I did take a long hard look at your other post and went back to my BIOS and made a few changes.

I tried a 21 multipler by 205 V core but Windows hung on start, so I went back and changed the V core to 195.

It started fine. Only marginally changed my Core Voltage to 1.409 and now I have 4.1Ghz registering with CPU-Z, Coer Temp, my Windows Ststem and Belarc.

It's nice and steady at this setting and I just took a flight from YBBN (sorry to test against this great piece of FTX, but it is a great benchmark).

I had bumped up a whole heap of settings and I can honestly say that no other change has ever had such a dramatic affect.

I was literally gob-smacked. I took a trip in the bird dog, over the islands around Brissie and flew down to the Gold coast.

I'll post a few screenies in the screeny section, if you are interested, but I've honestly never seen FSX/FTX this good (especially on 3 sceens).

I'm gonna finish off by running the stress test for 24 hours, so I'll just see how she holds up.

Thanx again for your invaluable help, mate.


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Well well well you finally did it well done frank  ;D , and you will see a difference thats for sure I remember i reset my machine to defaults  for some reason and forgot and while on fsx it was just running slow i went into config did this and that and still not right and it dawned on me that it was stock speed and then realised there isnt just a little but a noticeable difference enjoy the new breathing animal you have now.

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Yeah, that's a high vcore... I am pretty sure that you don't need that much. Those auto settings are very generous with voltage... I need 1.35v with the 920 at 200x21.

Btw - DON'T use a stress test like Prime95 for such a long time. This is absolutely unnecessary and you are eventually degrading your CPU with this immense load. Specially with that voltage.

I use the Intel Burn test on 'high' setting - you have a result within a few minutes and i never had a stability issue when the PC was able to complete this test.

1. More accurate than Prime95 Small FFTs/Blend.

2. Takes less time to tell if your CPU/RAM is unstable than Prime95 (usually

  something like 8 minutes Linpack vs 40 hours under Prime95).

3. Use the same stress-testing engine that Intel uses to test their products

  before they are packed and put on shelves for sale.

Get it over here :  http://downloads.guru3d.com/IntelBurnTest-v2.3-download-2047.html

Oh, and welcome to the dark side  ;D

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Thanx Heiko,

I was in a quandry there cos it's like a bullet now and runs FSX at the speed that it should.

I was so happy until I ran prime and after a few hours it blue screened.

I was unsure what to do and was coming back here for some inspiration....and voila, there you have it.

I'll go get that software and give that a try,


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Nononono... Stephen's guide is for i7 and mobos that support i7, Atleast for me there was alot more to tweak to get stable clocks on i7 than on Core 2 quad, so you should never compare i7 and older cpu's settings, atleast not blindly use same settings. That may cause your system to cook, as you can see your computer didn't even start with that setting. So you gotta be careful.

Also, what you are talking about is FSB setting, which is multiplied with the multiplier to get core speed, Core voltage instead gives your cpu enough power to run that clock speed.

But im glad you got it working. :)

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I'm not sure who you are talking to.

Mine is an i7 940 and I know that Stephen is running an i7 930.

I didn't copy his settings. I went by my BIOS (which is practically identical) and only in the last phase, did I emulate the same base clock and multiplier that he'd used to achieve a 4.3ghz result.

It didn't work for me and I ended up going back and dropping my multiplier and the base clock to give me a 4.1Ghz stable clock.

Temps are now very good (around the 60's under 100% load), IntelBurn ran all the tests and said "Yep, beauty, mate!", so i'm now off to thrash the gizzards out of it.

Thanx again to all the help, especially Stephen and Heiko,


P.S. posting results as per yours in your thread, Stephen

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Hi Frank,

I have just upgraded with an i7 930 pre-overclocked to 4.20.

I had cause to ring the technicalk department whom were very helpfull...

In passing though he did say that on that OC 1.39750 is the sweet spot and highest you should go...

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First thing first, I'am really happy for you Frank.

It's something I would love to do but frankly pardon the pun, don't have the ball to do and only having 2 cores, it's something I will leave off doing on this PC.

I made my mind up to not upgrade until the new iXX etc come out next year. BUT you now have me thinking, if i bought the same mobo/ i7 930/ RAM /470/heatsink as you etc I could be running FSX as you now do at a not bad price.

It really seems 4 is the magic number with FSX.

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It really comes down to the fact that I want to set up my FSX/FTX as a 738.

My PC is as high specced as I want to go. I did consider a 980X, but thought that throwing 1500 bucks at a unit that's gonna be superceeded next year is crazy.

I have an inkling that the new CPU will be 8 core, so it should suit FSX/FTX to the ground, so 1500 bucks towards that seems more sensible.

Having Flight Sim running nice and smooth, I can now move on to building my cockpit, which I'll start next week after I finish all my measurements and drawings.

With some luck, I might get close to finishing it in time for PMDG to release the 738 and I'll be the happiest flight simmer in Qld!

Good luck guys,


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