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Over clocking and sim speed


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Interesting reading the posts on over clocking your computer on the site.  For those with the expertise to do so and the machine that will handle it there appears to be a gain in sim performance by doing so.

I was involved in a small test this past weekend while flying a group flight with the virtual airline I belong to, (FreedomAir).  The scenario was a three plane 737-800 flight over the western Pacific northeast bound toward Japan at FL 270, Cruise speed 290 KTS (IAS). We all had the exact same date and time and loaded Real Weather at the same moment.  One of our members has his machine overclocked and could not maintain interval while using the published cruise speed.  We all had Real Weather on and were seeing the same winds aloft and ground speeds were matched with the two un-clocked machines.  The over clocked computer was indicating faster ground speeds consistently.  The over clocking speed was then adjusted downward and it was discovered that the ground speed did indeed vary with clock speed on the computer.  High and fast is not what ORBX FTX and PNW is all about I realize, but to a lesser degree I would assume that when flying with a group, even in a J-3, an over clocked machine would exhibit the same tendency for the aircraft to move faster over the ground than one flying a computer that ran at a slower clock speed.

The two computers that were un-clocked were not running the same CPU speed but aircraft performance was very close to the same never the less.  For the technical minded folks that are more knowledgeable than I, would over clocking the CPU cause the program to, in effect, run faster as indicated by our test? 

I thought of the over clocking because way back in the days of DOS I had some arcade type games that I installed on a Windows operating system computer and found that the game speed was too fast and used some utility that slowed down the CPU so the DOS based games ran at the correct speed.

Might be interesting for someone to see if they get the same results flying an over clocked computer along side one with no over clocking with the same aircraft and weather conditions on both machines.


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That made very interesting reading. I have noticed the same thing for some months now on three different computers. All Overclocked. The shown groundspeed increases at about the same percentage as the overclock. Yet I had failed to associate the two.

Flying a default 172 I have an indicated airspeed of about 105 knots. Yet my ground speed is shown to be about 122 knots. Ground speed is constant, regardless of wind velocity.

I have checked groundspeed by time and distance and discovered the shown groundspeed is hopelessly inaccurate.

So, on the surface, it seems that overclocking the computer also overclocks the shown groundspeed.

Needs looking in to.

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