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ram types recommendations?


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hello to everyone thinking of converting from corsair ram to kingston ram max speed 1600mhz ,is there any other good brands of ram ,i should consider?will only be running 6 gigs,in triple chanel mode,thanks for any replies. :)

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Always by the lower timing possible for 1600MHz  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820226121

Good brand too.

You are right. I have this exact ram, and although it is fast, and very good, it is very touchy as well. I have not been able to overclock it whatsoever without uping the timings which I do not want to do, so I lowered my CPU overclock from 4.34 (1667mhz) to 4.2 (1603mhz) to compensate. Otherwise it consistantly gave me the blue screen of death within a few minutes.

Kind Regards,

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Always by the lower timing possible for 1600MHz  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820226121

Good brand too.

You are right. I have this exact ram, and although it is fast, and very good, it is very touchy as well. I have not been able to overclock it whatsoever without uping the timings which I do not want to do, so I lowered my CPU overclock from 4.34 (1667mhz) to 4.2 (1603mhz) to compensate. Otherwise it consistantly gave me the blue screen of death within a few minutes.

Kind Regards,

You may be able to run them at 1667MHz, 4.34GHz but you may have to raise the ram voltage to 1.66v that's probably where your BSOD is comming from cause more MHz mean more voltage but your gain will not be noticable compare to 1603MHz at 4.2GHz.

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I agree with the 1.66 as this is what I had to do to make it stable at 4.2Ghz for the CPU and 1603mhz for the ram. It kept crashing with anything lower. It will not keep 1667 with 1.66, but I don't want to pour more juice to it because 1.66 is as high as I am willing to go. It's OK the way it is for I could always up the timings and do a lot more mhz, but that would be defeating the whole purpose of buying the ram with such low timings in the first place. I just wish I could do both!  ;D

How high a Voltage have you tried?

Posted Image

[img width=933 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1280466975.jpg

Kind Regards,

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My new rig (i7, DDR3) is not up and running yet but I got the 2000MHz rams because I did not want to overclock them.

Posted Image

In your case you may want to try to lower the timing, keep the first number to 6 and try 6-7-6-24, 6-6-6-24 or 6-8-6-22 and see if you stay stable, your gain will be a lot more if you can lower the timing compare to higher MHz.

I will have a go with my rams to see what I can do with them but I don't expect them to go over 2100 > 2180MHz with the default timing depending on how good the i7 990x will be or the i7 980x if the 990 does not come out before october...

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Overclocking RAM is a very delicate thing... I never had this idea. If you plan to go above 1600 MHz go get some 1800 or better 2000 MHz ones. You can run those at lower CL for lower speed of course. My 2:10 divider at 200x21 works like a charm - the RAM are screaming at 2000 MHz (at 1.60v only).

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Overclocking RAM is a very delicate thing... I never had this idea. If you plan to go above 1600 MHz go get some 1800 or better 2000 MHz ones. You can run those at lower CL for lower speed of course. My 2:10 divider at 200x21 works like a charm - the RAM are screaming at 2000 MHz (at 1.60v only).

Heiko no offence but what's killing you is your timing at 9-9-9-24, any 1600MHz at 6-8-6-20 will deliver the info faster.....that is why fast rams with low timing are so expensive....

Again no offence but your rams will do a better job running under an i7 980x at 4.45GHz > cause 2000MHz will not shine on a overclock at 4.2GHz

Read this thread here, (if you have the time, it's a long one) these guys are doing what I am trying to explain about rams you'll see a lot of testing.....  http://i4memory.com/f83/super-talent-chrome-ddr3-2000-2200-cas8-23675/

Now you want the top of the line here they are, 2250MHz 2GB per stick at $250.00 per stick = $750.00  PHEW.. 


You also need the mobo to run these puppy........ ;D

You can run them at 1800MHz at 6-6-6-18  now that is FREEKING fast.........like I said speed + low timing = $$$

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Well, first of all those RAM are by far the fastest which i was able to get here without waiting 2 weeks for a mega expensive import...

I can assure you that nothing 'holds back' with those RAM - if you want to spend double or triple the amount of money for a difference you can only see with benchmarks... Have a look here how big this difference actually is :



Btw, i am pretty sure i can run those CL7 at 1600 MHz  ;). But i prefer 2000 MHz bandwidth.

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If you divide the CAS latency number with the ram frequency you get an expression of how fast they are. So, if you´re wondering which ram is actually faster do the math and compare.

Example: 1800 MHz CL 8 vs. 1600 MHz CL6 (like my Mushkins ;))



The latter is faster...


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Well, first of all those RAM are by far the fastest which i was able to get here without waiting 2 weeks for a mega expensive import...

I can assure you that nothing 'holds back' with those RAM - if you want to spend double or triple the amount of money for a difference you can only see with benchmarks... Have a look here how big this difference actually is :



Btw, i am pretty sure i can run those CL7 at 1600 MHz  ;). But i prefer 2000 MHz bandwidth.

Don't get mewrong here, I am not talking negatively about your rams, I am just making a statement about the timing like stated here in your review....

Quote" While the low-latency 1333MHz CL7-7-7-20 kit did outperform the faster 1867MHz CL7-8-7-20 kit, both were a full frame behind the 2002MHz Kingston HyperX and Corsair Dominator-GT kits." end of quote.

So "YES" more speed = faster rams depending of the timing....the winner is the fastest one with the lower C latency.

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i7 980x at 4.45GHz > cause 2000MHz will not shine on a overclock at 4.2GHz

Forgot... Do you really think 0.25 GHz makes a world of a difference ? Which FSB are we talking about ?

Depend of the multiplier.

Don't forget we are talking about FSX here, 0.25GHz more on a i7 920 with rams at 2000MHz 9-9-9-24 probably not, you may not see a difference BUT 4.45 > 4.6GHz on a i7 980X with rams at 2000MHz 7-7-7-20...you betcha....

Now if you gain only 4-5 FPS more with the 2000MHz at 7-7-7-20 by spending $300.00 you may ask yourself if this is worth the money? If you gain only 6 to 7 FPS more with the i7 980x at 4.5GHz is it worth $1000.00?  Buying an SSD pci express card at $1,100.00 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227520 to take the Sata bottleneck out of the equation for 4-6 FPS more...worth it?? + a GTX 480 for 5 to 6 more FPS (all slider to the right) for $500.00 more.......well if I add all the FPS together I'm up by 19 to 24 more FPS from 30 FPS locked on my Q9650 rig for $2.900.00 in upgrade.

Bottom line (I hope) average of 49 to 54 FPS stuttering free, to me it does worth the money.

Again I was not saying anything negative about your rams, I was just making a statement about speed and timing.

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After reading this whole thread again, I once again realized that I am not the only crazy person who thinks about such things much of the time! Obviously others also bury their nose into old FSX posts, online technical journals and detailed benchmark tests to figure out how to wring out another FPS or so in a flight or smooth out another wrinkle in FSX. Gee, I am beginning to wonder if I really like flying all that much after all, or perhaps just like computers and making them work better, and FSX just gives an excuse to indulge - hmmmmm...

Anyway, I am learning a lot from the ram discussions. Thank you guys for the expert detailed explanations!

Kind Regards

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After reading this whole thread again, I once again realized that I am not the only crazy person who thinks about such things much of the time! Obviously others also bury their nose into old FSX posts, online technical journals and detailed benchmark tests to figure out how to wring out another FPS or so in a flight or smooth out another wrinkle in FSX. Gee, I am beginning to wonder if I really like flying all that much after all, or perhaps just like computers and making them work better, and FSX just gives an excuse to indulge - hmmmmm...

Anyway, I am learning a lot from the ram discussions. Thank you guys for the expert detailed explanations!

Kind Regards

Hahahah that's a man thing, we are born to brake and repair stuff... lol....we will be happy and quit tweaking FSX only when we reach a minimum of 80FPS with all slider to the right including traffic.......we will always be searching for the evasive FPS........

Do I like my sim at 30 FPS locked with some slider in the middle......yes.....but imagine FSX with FTX all slider to the right no matter what plane you'r in at a minimum of 80FPS stuttering free......it's like my wife said " I don't understand that S&%^T but I know where to find you"........hahahahah

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thanks for all replys made,looks like i started a debate here ;D:P well you guys have lost me with all the timing and technical talk,but that is a good thing im keen to learn tho,but you guys did answer my question and thankyou for that :).

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Hehe yeah, nothing too serious for sure  ;D. Hardware and tweaking is just part of the hobby - and when you know the stuff you are able to achieve better results.

Alain, of course 2000 MHz CL7 is very fast, the latest of technology. But the secret is also a well balanced system, not only some power parts which get bottle-necked somewhere else (most likely by the GPU with lousy drivers...).

All depends on availability and how much are you willing to spend - and sometimes the gain is only measurable by benchmarks. Numbers on a paper and reality are often two different shoes.

I have a 0.1 sec faster SuperPi 1M time with the 2000 CL9 than i had with the Mushkins at 1600 CL7. That IS faster, but hey without this test i wouldn't know at all  ;)

Btw, when you increase your FPS by 50+% because you just added a threshold value to a cfg file - that is about the right time to rise an eyebrow regarding 700 USD RAM

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Hehe yeah, nothing too serious for sure  ;D. Hardware and tweaking is just part of the hobby - and when you know the stuff you are able to achieve better results.

Btw, when you increase your FPS by 50+% because you just added a threshold value to a cfg file - that is about the right time to rise an eyebrow regarding 700 USD RAM

50+% Really, that much? Wow!

Kind Regards,

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Hehe yeah, nothing too serious for sure  ;D. Hardware and tweaking is just part of the hobby - and when you know the stuff you are able to achieve better results.

Alain, of course 2000 MHz CL7 is very fast, the latest of technology. But the secret is also a well balanced system, not only some power parts which get bottle-necked somewhere else (most likely by the GPU with lousy drivers...).

All depends on availability and how much are you willing to spend - and sometimes the gain is only measurable by benchmarks. Numbers on a paper and reality are often two different shoes.

I have a 0.1 sec faster SuperPi 1M time with the 2000 CL9 than i had with the Mushkins at 1600 CL7. That IS faster, but hey without this test i wouldn't know at all  ;)

Btw, when you increase your FPS by 50+% because you just added a threshold value to a cfg file - that is about the right time to rise an eyebrow regarding 700 USD RAM

I agree, a good and stable overclock is key to a smooth ride.... and you know what...I almost did buy the $700.00 rams but they were to tall ....they would not fit under the CPU cooler.....phew.

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