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Maule with floats

John Lovell

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Just found an amazing piece of freeware of the Maule with floats! Ideal for John's up and coming river 1m pixel extension between Israel's and Concrete!

Check out the pics and this link to get her!


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Really nic pic and as I'm a sucker for seaplanes would have liked this but couldn't navigate the website.  When I clicked to download the Maule all it gave me was a debt recovery service and a choice of about six aircraft none of which was the Maule!

Even after agreeing to the terms and conditions I couldn't get it so gave up.  I can do without mystery tours of little known websites!

Thanks for the offer though.


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I just downloaded it, it is the M7-260 Amphibian Maule by Mikko Maliniemi which was updated by the Nor-Cal Prop Club

no problem with download, if the download does not start after agreeing to the terms and conditions, just click on Download again

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Oh that's a shame... I tried again, worked for me. I know the site is plagued with debt recovery adds, banners and alsorts, so prob easy to click on a banner by mistake?

I clicked on the download link

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Then get the terms and conditions agrement crap... ticked it

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And I zipped up floating Maule waiting for delivery

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I thought I'd tried all that but I'll give it another go and let you know. 

Thanks for going to all that bother for me.


Yep, got it now.  Don't know what I did before.  Probably didn't spot the little ikon or something.  Many thanks.

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